Coaching Career Opportunities

Ever wondered what you could do with a coaching certification? This is the time to find out. This summer, we will be providing our summer intensive coach certificate training along with the new business development course for coaches who want to establish careers in the wellness industry, as either life wellness or workplace wellness coaches.

People everywhere are looking to work with a coach to increase their success. A client recently told me she couldn’t imagine where her life would be today without the support of her coach.

Potential Clients of Coaching

Think of all the folks you know who plan on getting things done but haven’t been able to develop a structure to accomplish their goal. Those who promise to change a bad habit or learn a new skill but keep failing? That person who begins many projects but never gets any of them done. Yes, think of the person who need to set some healthy life style habits but don’t have the will power to attain their goal on their own. Do you happen to know someone who is wasting their life away without clear goal, focus or thought? Think of the person who hates their job or just feels stuck in their life with no clear way on moving forward.

Think of all those situations and more, imagine yourself being the coach for that person or person(s). Take advantage of the summer coaching institute to complete your course work in 60 days and get ready for your career in coaching sooner.

To Your Wellness


Wellness Improvement

I want to begin 2014 with one goal, which is to improve wellness in every area possible. I am renewing my dedication to my clients, family and employee wellness. As a business owner and employer, it is critical for me to maintain my own personal and professional wellness. This is not always easy to do but it’s worth doing. I am renewing my commitment to working out five days a week and to eating the foods that work with my body as many foods do not work with my body and maybe some don’t work well with your body’s digestive system as well. Are there foods that make you feel poorly after you’ve eaten them? It may be your body’s way of saying you have a low tolerance for that food. I encourage you to pay attention to your body in 2014. This practice will improve your wellness.

I am also renewing my commitment to sharing my services with a broader network so that more people can have access to the wellness assessment and the wellness improvement system courses and coaching. This makes it even more critical for me to maintain my own wellness. As conflict analyst my work revolves around improving wellness at work, in relationships and in groups. Conflict is very taxing and distracting, so when conflict is present you need to take extra care of yourself. This means working out for an extra 5 to 10 minutes, meditating, relaxation and other mindfulness practices to keep you rejuvenated. As a practitioner I need to care for myself in a purposeful way so you I can remain alert and able to support my clients effectively.

I would love to hear from you, what are you committing to do for your wellness in 2014?

To Your Wellness

Joyce Odidison

The same DNA Make Up with far more life demands

Let’s face it, most of us don’t live well because we don’t have a life plan or never considered making one. We are constantly on the go, and each day we keep adding something more to our table, resulting in a very busy over stretched life. Interestingly, though we have more stressful lives, our DNA hasn’t changed in thousands of years; as a result, we secret cortisol, the primary of stress hormone in far greater quantities than our ancestors did. Unfortunately, a high level of cortisol level shuts down our immune system, making us susceptible to diseases in all forms. So if you are wondering why the folks around you are getting sick, more co-workers are on stress leave, an increase in cases of cancer, mental health disorders and other health challenges, it may be time to start looking at your life wellness plan.

During the month of December, I am offering one free wellness coaching session a day, to in aide more people improve their life wellness. By doing this I feel good and grateful, which incidentally will help me and those I work with secret serotonin – the happiness hormone, which is good for managing stress and counteracting the effects of cortisol in our system. Learn more here…

Say Yes to Wellness

31 Days of Gratitude Challenge

I’m amazed that its already December. I have had an amazingly busy year and I am grateful for everything that I have been able to accomplish in my business and what I still intend to do and give. I feel eternally grateful and rather than being grateful on my own or just saying I’m grateful, I want to share my gratitude with as many people I can and also give them something to be grateful for. As a result, I am giving away 31 free wellness coaching sessions in the month of December to say thank you God for everything that I am and those I love. If you want to join my gratitude train, please go here to get your free wellness coaching session here. Or click this page for more information. Don’t forget to click the sign-up button under my photo to access the sign-up form.

So what are you grateful for in 2013? 

I would love to hear your list of things you are grateful for.

To Your Wellness
