Life Coaching for Workplaces

Wondering if there is a need for life coaching within workplaces? The workplace is where people spend most of their waking hours and it is a place where their interpersonal skills as well as their talents are on display. As a Conflict Analyst and Coach, I have come to realize that many people lack the structures at home to support new behaviour. In conversation with a human resources professional last week, she commented that employees don’t want to deal with disrespect and poor behaviour at work anymore and are complaining more often and filing more grievances. This is why I promote life coaching at work, given the countless opportunities for learning that employees relate to their employability.

Some years ago, I developed a comprehensive holistic coaching program that allows for professional and life coaching to be brought to employees in a package through the WIS Workplace Wellness Coaching. It allows employees to assess how well they are doing in nine life dimensions, providing them and their coach with the information necessary to create a coaching plan for their work and life. Our slogan is work well, live well and play well. Our workplace wellness programs allow us to provide coaching support to the clients in the areas they have assessed to be in need, this allows us to offer a targeted work and life coaching support, so they can work and live well.

Are you looking for support to work and live optimally? Our work with clients is geared to improve all areas of their life to create balance and resilience. The WIS Wellness assessment is a great way to determine your goals in life coaching. Take the free wellness assessment here

To Your Wellness,



Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) program including the Wellness Assessment and the Workplace Wellness Assistance program (WWAP). She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for WIS Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. Take the wellness assessment today!



Are you living a balanced life?

Many of us rush through our days without any focus or direction. We often forget to align our daily actions with our end goals. As a result we find ourselves overwhelmed, fearful, uncertain, angry, frustrated and disillusioned. Balance means having purpose to your life and your daily activities. It means putting first things first and it means starting with picture in mind of what you want to accomplish.

Here are some tips to help you regain balance

  • Set your intention for your day the night before and decide on the course you must take.
  • Give yourself the appropriate amount of time to do tasks and remember why you need to take this action.
  • Plan your meals. You are not a machine and therefore need to eat healthy nutritious meals.
  • Plan your work day and plan for contingencies.
  • Plan breaks and begin a habit of taking them.
  • Set reminders in your phone to keep you focused on what’s important
  • Begin a daily positive affirmation

Give yourself a break if you are not feeling well or need to just chill but don’t let it go on indefinitely, that’s where things begin to fall apart and balance goes out the window. Even if you are really busy, squeeze the time in for self-care, you won’t regret it.

To Your Wellness


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs including the Wellness Assessment and the Workplace Wellness Assistance program. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. Contact Joyce to arrange a wellness assessment for yourself or your workplace today.

Don’t let Your Problems Affect Your Customers’

Are you letting your problems affect your customers? Your customers are paying you to provide a service. Though it is not expressed, your fees include your years of experience and hopefully for your professionalism. Professionalism here means that you are able to manage your life and business well, so you can serve your clients well.

There is nothing more frustrating than waiting on a service provider to get it right so they can serve you. If you let things get in the way of good customer service then you are missing out on the two RR’s of a successful business. The first “R” stands for Retention that is to keep your customers buying from you or doing repeat business with you. This is the cheapest way to do business because you don’t have to pay to market or advertise to those customers. The second “R” stands for Referral, your customers will only say good things about you if they had a great experience. It is your job to remove obstacles in the way of serving your clients well.

As entrepreneurs the buck stops with you. You cannot afford to pass the buck. If you are not equipped to provide good customer service. then you should get the help you need to put your life in order. Don’t let your customers suffer while you figure things out. They will not return to do business with you and they will not recommend you to others.

What’s in your way of providing great customer service? If you need help to get things going, work with a Business Coach to get the support you need. Check out our business coaching service here:

To Your Wellness




Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs, consisting of Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP) and the WIS Wellness assessment Instrument. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. Go here to complete a free workplace wellness audit for your workplace today.