Do you want to Move Wellness for Business and Life in 2013?

Are you out of alignment with your goals, purposes and passions? Do you want to check-in and re-balance for 2013?

Most mid-career professionals and executives perform their jobs because it’s what they know, are skilled at what pays the bills. Many lack the passion and drive that one needs to get from their professions. Some are even sick and tired of their routines and they begin disconnecting with their realities, life and relationships. Soon they don’t recognize themselves and their lives. They wake up asking ‘who am I? Is this all there is?’

If this is you, it’s not too late to reconfigure and change programs. You no longer need to hide your shame, fears, insecurities or feel like a fraud. I have helped many clients look at their lives in a safe nurturing environment; by doing so we have co-created masterpieces of their lives.

If you are fed up of the guilt, shame and secrets and are scared to share with those in your network; it may be time to find a safe professional relationship with a coach. Let I would like to partner with you to assess, unravel and reconstruct a more fulfilling life.

Contact Joyce today!

Joyce Odidison, MA, PCC

Interpersonal Wellness Expert & Coach


Joyce Odidison helps mid-career professionals, entrepreneurs, executives and their organizations develop strategies to increase wellness for business and life. Joyce is the president of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc and the world’s leading Interpersonal Wellness Experts & Coach.

What do you do when someone you looked up to does something unexpected?

On December 1, 2012, someone I admired, respected and looked up to, committed suicide. This person was a role model and spiritual leader to thousands of people. He was not just an evangelist; he was also a Life Coach, Motivational speaker, teacher, a Christian leader and a great humanitarian. His ministry impacted thousands of people around the world and developed amazing systems that helped many live their lives with meaning and purpose and come to view the world as a place where they can prosper and do well.

It came to light after his death that he suffered from a complex mental health disease for quite some time. What a legacy! I am awed at what God used Leo Schreven to do despite his mental health disease. I believe that those around the world who are suffering in similar ways can look back on Leo’s life and say we have no excuse not to touch the world in a big way in spite of our circumstances.

In the years that I have been following Leo’s All Power Ministry, I have yet to see him share that he was wrestling with this disease. I wonder why? I don’t believe that those who loved him and benefitted from his work would love him any less, if we knew. It is sad to think that he didn’t feel that he could share that part of himself with those of us in his community. It very well could have saved his life.

Looking back, I did notice that Leo always portrayed himself as having a perfect life. As a Life Coach and a Christian, I know that no one has a perfect life. We all have to pay the price to pass through this life in some way, it isn’t always pleasant. My challenges may seem small to others but they are real to me and so are yours to you.

I want to learn from Leo’s life and from the circumstances of his death, I want to share with everyone out there that there is a reason why we go through the things we do. They are meant to help us learn to manage our life well. Our job is to manage our own life challenges, not become them. We are more than our circumstances. They are intended to teach us humility and encourage us to lean on God and connect with others in a very real way. We must also challenge ourselves to share with others the lessons we have learnt during our growth. We are all teachers, accepting this we will help us view our lives as lessons in the curriculum of life and be motivated to share our challenges and victories as they may help save someone else’s life.

We need to release shame and embrace life. We need to share our lives in an honest and authentic way. I don’t for one moment believe that God’s will was for Leo to take his own life. Yes we all have to die but not at our own doing. God’s will for us is to prosper and do well. I believe fear, anger and hopelessness is of the enemy and they are intended to confuse us and make us forget what is real and what is true and what is pure.

The truth is that we are all in life’s boat together and at times we each need to help and support keep on rowing. We won’t be full of life and energy to row, especially when life seas are rough and the waves are high. I shudder to think of the loneliness, pain and horror that would lead to one taking his own life and I grieve for Leo and for his family and for the light that has been put out far too early.

Today if you are in pain, please remember that pain is not always the enemy it is our teacher. I suffer great pain in my life so I believe that I am qualified to speak about pain. There is seldom a day that I am not in physical pain. I believe the pain in my life serves to remind me that I am not here to serve myself. Christ wrestled with pain of carrying sin on the cross and he prayed: “O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done”. (Mat: 26:42). We need to look beyond our pain to what we can learn and to how we can use it to help heal the world.

I encourage you today, if you are hiding away in shame or pain and pretending that everything is perfect in your life, choose freedom. You are not alone, you are a real person and yes we are all in this life’s boat together. If you feel you cannot do it on your own, please find someone who is strong enough and able to help you. God has given us all different talents and skills to help each other row the challenging waves of life. There is no shame in going through life hardships, the shame is in not seeking help and in letting the enemy use your hardships to prevent you from being or doing great things and playing a bigger game to bring peace, love and joy to the universe.

Let’s all learn from Leo’s life, he was an amazing teacher, I believe that even in his death he is teaching, from the very circumstances of his death.

So what do you do when someone you look up to does something unexpected? You learn from them, help them if you can or love them and let them go if they are beyond your reach.

To Your Health and Wellness


What do you do when someone you looked up to does something unexpected?

On December 1, 2012, someone I admired, respected and looked up to, committed suicide. This person was a role model and spiritual leader to thousands of people. He was not just an evangelist; he was also a Life Coach, Motivational speaker, teacher, a Christian leader and a great humanitarian. His ministry impacted thousands of people around the world. In his life time he developed amazing systems that have helped many live their lives with meaning and purpose and come to view the world as a place where they can prosper and do well.

It came to light after his death that he suffered from a complex mental health disease for quite some time. What a legacy! I am awed at what God used Leo Schreven to do despite his mental health disease. I believe that those around the world who are suffering in similar ways can look back on Leo’s life and say we have no excuse not to touch the world in a big way in spite of our circumstances.

In the years that I have been following Leo’s All Power Ministry, I have yet to see him share that he was wrestling with this disease. I wonder why? I don’t believe that those who loved him and benefitted from his work would love him any less, if we knew. It is sad to think that he didn’t feel that he could share that part of himself with those of us in his community. It very well could have saved his life.

Looking back, I did notice that Leo always portrayed himself as having a perfect life. As a Life Coach and a Christian, I know that no one has a perfect life. We all have to pay the price to pass through this life in some way, it isn’t always pleasant. My challenges may seem small to others but they are real to me and so are yours to you.

I want to learn from Leo’s life and from the circumstances of his death, I want to share with everyone out there that there is a reason why we go through the things we do. They are meant to help us learn to manage our life well. Our job is to manage our own life challenges, not become them. We are more than our circumstances. They are intended to teach us humility and encourage us to lean on God and connect with others in a very real way. We must also challenge ourselves to share with others the lessons we have learnt during our growth. We are all teachers, accepting this we will help us view our lives as lessons in the curriculum of life and be motivated to share our challenges and victories as they may help save someone else’s life.

We need to release shame and embrace life. We need to share our lives in an honest and authentic way. I don’t for one moment believe that God’s will was for Leo to take his own life. Yes we all have to die but not at our own doing. God’s will for us is to prosper and do well. I believe fear, anger and hopelessness is of the enemy and they are intended to confuse us and make us forget what is real and what is true and what is pure.

The truth is that we are all in life’s boat together and at times we each need to help and support keep on rowing. We won’t be full of life and energy to row, especially when life seas are rough and the waves are high. I shudder to think of the loneliness, pain and horror that would lead to one taking his own life and I grieve for Leo and for his family and for the light that has been put out far too early.

Today if you are in pain, please remember that pain is not always the enemy it is our teacher. I suffer great pain in my life so I believe that I am qualified to speak about pain. There is seldom a day that I am not in physical pain. I believe the pain in my life serves to remind me that I am not here to serve myself. Christ wrestled with pain of carrying sin on the cross and he prayed: “O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done”. (Mat: 42). We need to look beyond our pain to what we can learn and to how we can use it to help heal the world.

I encourage you today, if you are hiding away in shame or pain and pretending that everything is perfect in your life, choose freedom. You are not alone, you are a real person and yes we are all in this life’s boat together. If you feel you cannot do it on your own, please find someone who is strong enough and able to help you. God has given us all different talents and skills to help each other row the challenging waves of life. There is no shame in going through life hardships, the shame is in not seeking help and in letting the enemy use your hardships to prevent you from being or doing great things and playing a bigger game to bring peace, love and joy to the universe.

Let’s all learn from Leo’s life, he was an amazing teacher, I believe that even in his death he is teaching, from the very circumstances of his death.

So what do you do when someone you look up to does something unexpected? You learn from them, help them if you can or love them and let them go if they are beyond your reach.

To Your Health and Wellness


Lack of Time is a Perception

A client asked me what you do when you have no time. My response – a lack of time is a perception. We make choices every minute that affects how we spend our time and ultimately how much time we have left. When you choose to play solitaire for 5 minutes and end up doing so for 30 minutes does that mean you have no time? No, it means that you have misused your time.

When you have competing projects and you choose to complete first one and then move on to the other, or you can choose to work on them simultaneously. It is your job to know how best you work. Are you someone who needs to complete one project before you move to the other? Can you do multiple projects at one time?

When you choose to interrupt your work flow to answer each email as they enter your inbox or respond to each face book past or tweet you are making choices on how to use your time. Of course at the end of the day you may likely complain that you don’t have enough time to do your work. The truth is that you have enough time but you are making management choices that are reducing the effective use of your time. If you choose to check and respond to emails 2-3 times per day, I guarantee you will find more time in your day by having longer uninterrupted work time to get some major projects off your desk.

Another common factor that contributes to the lack of time is stagnation. Let’s face it, we all get in a rut from time to time and we need to refocus, re-engage and clear the clutter. Ask yourself, what works well for me? What causes drudgery and low energy? Try everyday to include something exciting or uplifting in your life, it will help to lighten your load and keep you engaged with tasks longer.

Another great tip to changing your time perception is to ask what is most meaningful and impactful? What will have the most impact or the greater good, and then focus your energy on getting that done even if you can only spend ten to thirty minutes per day working on it. I guarantee it will have an impact and your perception of not having time will begin to change.

It is important to note that our perception of not having enough time comes from a few things. You may have a tendency of working on multiple projects and having several unfinished projects weighing on your subconscious. Another is that you may not be prioritizing well and may be doing many small unimportant tasks and not getting important projects started and your subconscious is keeping vigilant to get that really important project complete. Another habit could be that you take too many brakes or are a procrastinator. Whatever your reason, it’s time to start changing your perception of time by asking yourself how can I use the time that I have more effectively?

Tell me how you are doing with your time management strategies.

Be Well


Joyce Odidison, MA, PCC,

Conflict Analyst, Strategist,

Interpersonal Wellness Expert & Coach


Joyce Odidison believes that wellness is the key to a great life, vitality and excellence. Three years into her mediation practice, a client got so distraught while in a mediation session, he had a heart attack in Joyce’s office. He survived. However, this was a turning point in her career and commitment to studying how our personal wellness and interpersonal lives connect. Joyce has since created the Pre-Mediation Model, a coaching process to help clients prepare for success prior to mediation, and later created the Interpersonal Wellness System model and the Interpersonal Wellness Quotient (IWQ) Personal Assessment Instrument to help clients identify and improve their capacity for wellness in all areas of their lives.  Unlike others who just facilitate or coach, Joyce is well known for the quality and integrity of her work as outlined in the innovation systems and models she created and teach. Over the last five years, Joyce has created the Interpersonal Wellness Coach training program and continues to train and mentor coaches in this program with the help of some super coaches. Joyce also works with entrepreneurs, leaders, employees and their organizations attain fast sustainable results to challenges and problems they are facing. Joyce would love to support you to live well in all life dimensions as you strive to…….



