Responding To the Growing Need for Remedial Coaching

More than 75% of clients who enter coaching in the corporate setting are either sent, referred, requested, suggested or mandated and they often display some resistance to the coaching process. This means that coaching in the corporate arena is very often not voluntary and a substantial number of these coaching requests are for remedial outcomes. Remedial coaching requests can vary from repairing poor working relationships, changing negative patterns and attitudes, resolving conflicts, developing interpersonal skills, to improving personal wellness.

These employees are “sent” to coaching via referral, recommendations or directives, and for many it is a condition to their continued employment.  Most of them have had little success in mainstream programs, while some have exhausted, EAP, counselling and in some cases therapy, yet their negative patterns and inability to develop and maintain good working relationships persist.

Have you ever been called upon to coach employees only to realize that they don’t care for the process, don’t want to work with you and their personal goals are very different from their corporate goals? If you are a coach who wants to expand your services to include remedial coaching or working with resistant clients, then you will want to join our Free Teleseminar on February 16, 2011 from 4:30pm – 5:30pm CST to learn about our strategies for remedial coaching.  

The Interpersonal Wellness System Coach training program (IWSC) is designed to aid coaches who want to specialize in remedial coaching. The IWP practitioner program is a 30 hour coach training program exclusively designed for ICF certified coaches at the ACC level and beyond, who have a sound coaching knowledge, to expedite their training and hone this specialty.

With the impending rise in depression and manifestations of anger in the workplace, as predicted by the World Health organization by 2020 (possibly the largest human social epidemic of the next decade), it is expected that calls and requests for remedial coaching will catapult. A growing number of organizations already utilize remedial coaching and more coaches who are trained and specialized will ensure that the growing need for remedial coaching can be met. Prepare yourself for the new wave of coaching calls that will see you helping to reach those to whom coaching has of yet, not been an option.

The IWP program call is scheduled for February 16, 2011 from 4:30pm – 5:30pm CST. Join us and learn how to give your clients more tools, and equip them for success, also discover tools to market yourself to organizations as an IWP remedial coach.

This designation will set you apart from the competition and help you stand out as a coach with a specialized skill set.