
Are you living a balanced life?

Many of us rush through our days without any focus or direction. We often forget to align our daily actions with our end goals. As a result we find ourselves overwhelmed, fearful, uncertain, angry, frustrated and disillusioned. Balance means having purpose to your life and your daily activities. It means putting first things first and it means starting with picture in mind of what you want to accomplish.

Here are some tips to help you regain balance

  • Set your intention for your day the night before and decide on the course you must take.
  • Give yourself the appropriate amount of time to do tasks and remember why you need to take this action.
  • Plan your meals. You are not a machine and therefore need to eat healthy nutritious meals.
  • Plan your work day and plan for contingencies.
  • Plan breaks and begin a habit of taking them.
  • Set reminders in your phone to keep you focused on what’s important
  • Begin a daily positive affirmation

Give yourself a break if you are not feeling well or need to just chill but don’t let it go on indefinitely, that’s where things begin to fall apart and balance goes out the window. Even if you are really busy, squeeze the time in for self-care, you won’t regret it.

To Your Wellness


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs including the Wellness Assessment and the Workplace Wellness Assistance program. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. Contact Joyce to arrange a wellness assessment for yourself or your workplace today.