Finding Clarity

Do you find yourself being out of track on your goals and the objectives you have laid out?  Too often we become so engrossed in one project it becomes easy to forget how it relates to our larger goal.  This is true when we become engrossed in a new business venture, expansion, down sizing or move.  This can be especially so when the project is near and dear to our hearts.

As business owners we do not have the luxury of forgetting the larger picture but at times we do slip and fall.  A coach is a great support  to help you gain clarity and stay focused during those busy times.  I found that working with a coach is great to help clarify what is it I really want and what I don’t want and need.

What about you.  What strategies do you use to stay connected and focused?  Are you needing a thinking partnership or a nuetral third party to help you reach your pinnacle?  Let me know how you doing and what strategies you are using to stay focused.

Are you looking to Expand your Business?

Do you want to reach a wider audience and be known globally as a recognized and credible expert in one of the following areas?

  1. Spiritual Wellness
  2. Social Wellness
  3. Emotional Wellness
  4. Occupational Wellness
  5. Intellectual Wellness
  6. Environmental Wellness
  7. Financial Wellness
  8. Physical Wellness

We are inviting a few select resource providers to be listed in our IWS Coaching Tool Kit Interpersonal Wellness System book to be
released at the end of June, 2010. These providers will known globally, whenever the IWQ or IWS model is presented, for their expertise in improving various areas of life and relationships.

We will be making this Coaching Tool Kit available to libraries and public access venues nationally, internationally and online. You will be part of our campaign to inspire 3 million people to change their lives and relationships through measuring and improving their Interpersonal Wellness Quotient (IWQ).

You can become eligible to be listed as one of our resource providers who assist in improving any of the eight areas of the Interpersonal Wellness System above. We will be listing only 10 resources (none competing) for each of the areas and will process all applications to ensure their legitimacy and credibility. Providers will be among the best to ensure high quality and success.

Become instrumental in changing lives! Join other experts in reducing the misery and sufferings that results from harmful and destructive interpersonal interactions. Join our global initiative to:

  • Reduce divorces
  • Keep families together
  • Reduce conflicts or violence
  • Improve financial realities
  • Improve health
  • Improve occupational success
  • Contribute to environmental wellness
  • Build capacity to increase peace and harmony among groups in the world

Please demonstrate how your resource has been used in the past to change life relationships, by providing positive feedback or testimonials from users or references that we will be contacting to investigate how successful your resource has been.

Please fill out the attached application, describing how your resource assisted in one or any number of the life areas above and submit it to our office today! We will go live with our new website on May 25, 2010.

The cost per listing is just $350 for individuals and $1000 for corporate listings. Get a 20% discount off additional listings when you list in more than one area by May 20, 2010.

We look forward to partnering with you to make your resource more accessible globally. Please fill and submit the attached application form before our deadline.

Don’t delay, call us today and secure your spot. Become part of our global campaign, space is limited to 10 spots in each area. Note: these will be none competing services so secure your area of expertise today.

Deadline for application is May 30, 2010

Simon Sinek View on Leadership

Have you ever spent time considering why people buy from you? I like how Simon puts together his views in this TED talk piece. This is an impressive way to help us think about what we are selling and how we communicate that to our market. The essence of this is that we should all have a strong belief in what we do and how we are going to do it. Only then can we inspire others to take a seat on our train.

See below



Interpersonal Wellness and the Professional Woman Challenge!

Are you a professional woman looking for a way to excel in your career, improve your education, attain a professional designation, increase your credibility or grow your business and improve your market share?  Do you at times feel that it is not possible to do this because of the challenges and road blocks that come your way?

Managing a successful career or running a business can be a very challenging job.  You have to think of everyone else’s needs before you can think of your own, not to mention marketing and competition. The constant pressures and demands on your time and your personal resources can at times leave you feeling fearful, battered and overwhelmed. This can of course become a real challenge to your interpersonal wellness, which is how you interact and respond to challenging work or life relationships.

As professional women, you are under a microscope and your actions are being scrutinized and interpreted in a manner that is less than favourable. The added pressure of this creates unnecessary stress and detracts from personal wellness.

This is why many professional women take time to retain a coach on either a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. Coaching is a great way for professional women to find a safe nurturing place to deal with issues such as:

  • Limiting beliefs
  • Improving relationships
  • Saying no to fear 
  • Discovering your potential

A motivating and inspiring coaching relationship is essential to help a professional woman reduce stress, improve her wellness, attain her goals and strive to improve her interpersonal wellness.

If you are a professional women who is seeking a way to face life transition, or other work of life challenges that are affecting the peace and joy you need in your business or work relationships, please call our check out our list of mid-afternoon learning series or our list of spring group coaching sessions on the event page of our website.

I look forward to hearing about the strategies you are using to manage your own interpersonal wellness. Share your tips with our readers below.

Joyce Odidison, Your Connections Coach