Goodbye September, 2009

Well it’s the end of September, 2009. What do you need to give thanks for have done or accomplished in September? As I look back, I find that I could use another week in the month of September if it was offered but the reality is that I don’t have that offer on the table so I need not consider it. What I do have control of is how I will end 2009.

Its 2 days away from our 90 Days Goal Setting Challenge! Who will win the surprise price? Is it you, do you have a goal in mind that you have been considering? Plan to begin our challenge this Friday and begin taking steps to end 2009 with a bang!

How about setting a goal to begin and keep a gratitude journal for the rest of 2009? Will that be of benefit to you on New Years Day? There are so many things we need to stop and give thanks for. Start now by identifying 5 things that you would like to give thanks for in September.

Bringing Passion to Your Goals

Having passion for your goals is not always something easy to muster. However, it’s been proven that we all have passions in our lives so how can we then find ways to increase the passion levels for our goals? First I want to ensure we have the same understanding of passion. I have developed an acronym for passion that I share with my clients that I would like to share with you now: 


P- Purposeful
A- Attention
S- Successfully
I – Intended
O-Outcome based
N- Noted
Here is the expanded version:
Purpose – goals should have a purpose. They should take you closer to your life purpose? Does this goal help you fulfill your destiny?

Attention – much attention should be given to goals. Do you give attention to your goals? Do you reflect on them/it daily and take actions that will consistently take you closer to their achievement?

Success – Are you beginning to feel successful? Are there subsidiary goals you can achieve that will allow you to experience and maintain a successful outlook as you work towards your goals? How do you plan on celebrating the small milestones on your way to your greater goals?

Stated – have you stated your goals out loud to yourself or to someone else? Sharing your goals on our blog will serve to engage the brain and the power of intention. This will also help you affirm yourself and the value of your goals.
Intended – when we focus our attention, we begin to harness the power of intention, which forces the brain to produce thoughts, ideas and solutions that are in keeping with our intentions. Do you hold successful attainment of your goal as your intention?
Outcome Based – is the outcome of this goal very clear, can you see the outcome and its benefit to your life or to others? If it is to lose 20lbs can you see yourself 20lbs lighter and all that comes with the weight loss?
Noted – when we write things down it engages the brain on a different level and helps to anchor our learning on a deeper and more fully. In this case you will be tapping into the entire universe to achieve your goals.
So take some time to assess your goals for one or all of the criterias above and ask yourself the following questions?
Am I grateful to have these things in my life?
What will my life be like when I am fully engaged in my purpose?
Am I blessed to have this opportunity to achieve something?
If that does not help then attend our Passion Test Workshop on October 15th at 6:30 pm, here at the Centre, to learn more about tapping into your passions!

I would love to hear about your process of finding passion for your goals.

Goal Setting Challenge Sign-Up

Here is how to sign-up for the 90 day goal setting challenge:

Tell us your name (use pseudo name if you want)
Tell us your goal
Tell us when you want to achieve your goal by (date)
Tell us why you want to achieve this goal
Tell us how we can support you in reaching your goal
Are you passionate about your goals for the 90 day challenge? I am passionate about my social networking goal and I am planning on becoming even more passionate. Look out for our posting on goals and passion on Friday.

Goal Setting Challenge!

Take our goal setting challenge and make the last part of 2009 your most successful! As we approach the last 100 days of the year, it’s a time for many of us to look back and see whether we have reached and surpassed our goals for 2009. I think it’s also a good time to set one or two more goals to get us in the habit of setting and keeping goals so that we will enter 2010 with enthusiasm and vigor. No one shows up for a race without having practiced and being in good shape. Rather those preparing for a race spend time practicing and studying the course to ensure their success. I want to encourage you to think of the last quarter of 2009 as your practice run for more success in 2010 by setting a big goal for yourself! Last week I delivered a speech on goal setting so this week I want to engage my readers on some goal setting strategies that may help you improve your goal attainment success.

  • It has already been proven that those who set goals:
  • Live longer, are healthier and experience more joy
  • Are more positive and experience greater interpersonal wellness
  • Experience more financial and life success
  • Have a greater chance at being leaders and motivators of others

I believe that GOALS means:

G- Great – goals should be great because they should expand our individual possibilities in an extraordinary way.

O- Opportunities – goals should bring new opportunities to our lives, new hope, new options, growth or learning, either personally or in our careers.

A- Achievable – goals should be achievable; they should not be unrealistic dreams that we have no possibility of attaining.

L- Leaping via stretching – goals should stretch us, life is a race that requires some running and some leaping

S- Successfully – we need to reach out for success or we will fail to reach our goals. We have only one chance to take a successful leap and if we are bogged down by fears, self doubts and negative self-talk it becomes difficult to get moving toward our success.

 Steps to Setting Your Goals

As you prepare to set your goals, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What is one thing you want to achieve more than any other in your life at this time?
  2. Why do you want to achieve this goal?
  3. What would be the benefit, to whom?
  4. How long have you had this desire?
  5. Are you ready to make sacrifices to accomplish this goal?
  6. Are you ready to take action towards achieving this goal?
  7. What will it take for you to be ready?
  8. How will you know that you are ready?
  9. What will it look and feel like to accomplish this goal?
  10. Will this change your life?
  11. What resources will you need to accomplish this goal?
  12. Who will support be a support for you?
  13. What is one habit you will need to give up or form to achieve this goal?
  14. What self defeating thoughts or ideas will you need to change?
  15. What is good now in your life that will help you succeed?
  16. How will taking this be rewarding your new life?
  17. When will you accomplish this goal by? (Be Time specific)
  18. Does this goal reflect your true values?
  19. Is this a goal or a commitment to someone else?
  20. Will achieving this goal take you closer to becoming the person you truly want to be?

If you are able to answer these questions then you will be able to set an achievable goal for yourself and your chances for success will be great. Take a moment to complete this goal assessment to help you connect your goals with your passions.

Goal Assessment Exercise

 Write down your top two goals on a sheet of paper

  1. Read through goal number one
  2. Repeat this with your eyes closed and your right hand on your heart
  3. Do the same thing for each of your goals
  4. Do any of your goals resonate with your heart?
  5. Was there a quickening of your pulse and a tingling of excitement?
  6. Was there a tightening of your chest and a sense of dread?

Good luck with setting your goals. As you we enter the last 100 days of the year take our goal setting challenge, set some time to set a really challenging goal and let me know your progress on our blog.

Here is How to Sign-up!

Tell us:

  1. What is your name and your goal?
  2. When did you set this goal?
  3. How can we support you through your goal?
  4. What actions have you taken?
  5. How are you progressing?
  6. What other options are available to you?

Each day we will add snippets and thoughts to keep you going and focused. Look out for new ideas!