Coaching allows employees to thrive Part 1

Ever had an employee with really great technical skills but has self-esteem and other interpersonal issues where he is unable to sell himself or engage with a team in an effective way? How does a manager work with an employee like this? Do you say: “Jim you need to work on your self-esteem issues”? You may try but this will not get you or Jim very far. You are likely to alienate Jim with this approach, as he will become defensive and claim not to have an issue. He is likely to resist your suggestions to improve or he will not know the first step of where to begin working on his these issues. If Jim is open, you may even suggest a book that he should read and he very well may try all the things written in the book you suggest. However, until Jim has had opportunity to become aware of the way he thinks about his actions and their impact there is very little change that can happen. I see many Jim’s in my work as a workplace wellness expert and coach. In my role, I help Jim to reflect on his current situation, visualize where he wants to go and to identify any thoughts or actions that may be getting in his way. This puts Jim in the driver’s seat for self-awareness to happen. As Jim maps out where he is and where he wants to go, he becomes aware of what else he can or should do to thrive. Jim becomes connected and enthusiastic about his own transformation, leaving me open to help him clarify his thoughts and try on new perspectives that best matches his new outlook. We will look are part II of how coaching allows employees to thrive next time.



Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs, consisting of Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP) and the WIS Wellness assessment Instrument. Joyce leads a team of WIS coaches who work with employees in organizations to thrive by improving their well-being and the wellness of their workplaces. To get in touch with Joyce or learn about her wellness improvement coaching work go here:


Do you dream big enough, can you take your big dreams to the next level on your own?

Do you have a big, bold dream that keeps you awake at night? I mean a really big, bold dream that would have a radical impact on your life experience or on the world? Dreams are things we want, desire to experience, become or have. Everyone should have dreams in their lives. Dreams make us stronger and more resilient. They refresh and energize us. They help to keep us sane but some dreams can change the world. When was the last time you dreamt of doing something amazing? Do you have dreams of changing your life and the lives of those you love or serve? Do you have dreams to help make this world a better place to live? Do you have a secret dream to be a multi-millionaire? Can you achieve that dream without help from others? Sometimes our dreams are so big, we are scared to look at them or face them on our own. We feel queasy and a little scared thinking of them. This is where working with a coach becomes instrumental, to help you extract your dreams from the creases of your mind and examine them for flaws and possibilities, without shame, embarrassment or ridicule. Working with a coach will allow you to transform your dreams into goals with action steps and time lines to turn your dreams into reality.

If you have a dream you’ve buried in the recesses of your mind, I want to encourage you to contact a coach today and begin examining that dream for flaws and possibilities. Don’t let another month, season or day pass without finding out if you have been sitting on a life changing idea or possibility. You deserve to know, and the world deserves your gift. If you need someone to help you assess your dream, contact a WIS coach, you will be treated with the dignity and respect you deserve. Everyone needs help to make it to the next level of success, get yourself the support you need to change your life and manifest your dreams.

To Your Wellness

Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs, consisting of Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP) and the WIS Wellness assessment Instrument. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. Go here to complete a free coaching assessment today.

How do you think?

Ever paid attention to the way you think? Thinking is a skill that many of us do not take the time to develop well. There are many styles of thinking and all are important. I want to bring your attention to some ways of thinking in this blog and hope that you will be able to identify which of these styles of thinking best represents you.

Big picture
allows us to think about our goals and devise actions that will lead us to this goal. It may not include the small steps nor analyze the process of reaching the goal but it will focus on the key aspects to reaching the goals. Critical thinking allows us to think weigh the evidence presented and identify what’s missing and what new information we need to gather or consider toward a deeper learning or knowing. Focused thinking is more detailed or process oriented and will identify a specific target for our thoughts and meditation. It can be summed up as keeping our mind anchored on the specific details. Analytical thinking allows us to analyze the information present to better understand what it means.

All thinking styles require us to start with an intention. This is much the same as working with a Coach. In coaching, the coach becomes a thinking partner who aligns with you to think outside the box. Your coach becomes a sounding board who helps you better understand your thoughts and bring clarity to your mind. Thinking is often accelerated when shared, this is why working with a coach allows you to reach your goals three to six times faster than on your own.

I love to think! I am passionate about the thought process and I’m always eager to explore my thoughts and channel them into action. Being a Coach myself I usually work with other Coaches to help me develop my own thoughts and design actions that will allow them to materialize.

What about you, what thoughts do you need to clarify? Is it time to align with a thinking partner? Don’t let your powerful thoughts go to waste find a roadmap to channel them for your excellence.

To your wellness,


Wellness Improvement

I want to begin 2014 with one goal, which is to improve wellness in every area possible. I am renewing my dedication to my clients, family and employee wellness. As a business owner and employer, it is critical for me to maintain my own personal and professional wellness. This is not always easy to do but it’s worth doing. I am renewing my commitment to working out five days a week and to eating the foods that work with my body as many foods do not work with my body and maybe some don’t work well with your body’s digestive system as well. Are there foods that make you feel poorly after you’ve eaten them? It may be your body’s way of saying you have a low tolerance for that food. I encourage you to pay attention to your body in 2014. This practice will improve your wellness.

I am also renewing my commitment to sharing my services with a broader network so that more people can have access to the wellness assessment and the wellness improvement system courses and coaching. This makes it even more critical for me to maintain my own wellness. As conflict analyst my work revolves around improving wellness at work, in relationships and in groups. Conflict is very taxing and distracting, so when conflict is present you need to take extra care of yourself. This means working out for an extra 5 to 10 minutes, meditating, relaxation and other mindfulness practices to keep you rejuvenated. As a practitioner I need to care for myself in a purposeful way so you I can remain alert and able to support my clients effectively.

I would love to hear from you, what are you committing to do for your wellness in 2014?

To Your Wellness

Joyce Odidison

Riding the Waves with Confidence

Life will bring many joys, turns, ups and downs and many uncertainties. How do you ride the waves of life with confidence in your life and business? The only guarantees in life are that we will face challenges and great opportunities. Too often we let the challenges overwhelm us and zap our drive for life, leaving us fearful to take the great opportunities that come in their wake. It has been impressed on me that these challenging times are meant to test our resolve and strengthen our determination to move ahead and stay focused on our goals. Hence the importance of have goals in our lives, all too often we are not clear on what we want to have in our lives and therefore we are unable to achieve it. Here are some tips to keep you on course when things get turbulent: set goals, get clear on exactly what you want to attain, include people in your life you can trust, create your own cheerleading team, clear out the clutter and get rid of toxic people in your life.

Setting goals is one way to increase clarity but it is also vitally important to stay focused and have someone who is able to champion us when we grow weary or faint. Who is your champion or cheerleader? No one can do it alone without support and encouragements. Find your team of champions and develop a strong bond with them. Let them know what their encouragement means to you and ask them what they need of you and remember to share your goals with them. Focus on drawing good people and opportunities into your life. This week in our Summer Coaching Institute we will be looking at riding the waves with confidence in business and life.

To Your Wellness.


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist, Interpersonal Wellness Expert and Executive Coach who works with entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, executives and their organizations to address challenges and conflicts, to maximize time, resources, energy and results, so they maintain life balance and wellness. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. You can learn about the IWS Network of Coaches and Facilitators by clicking the links below.

Time to Review your 2013 Goals

Did you know that you should review your annual goals quarterly to ensure that you are on track? March is a great time to review your quarterly goals. I am assuming that you did have an opportunity to set goals for 2013 and work with a coach or someone using success proven goal setting procedures and appropriate structures in place to help you work successfully towards your goals. A review of your goals in March will help to identify what needs to be changed, tweaked or modified. The most successful and proven way to reach your goals is to write them down and work with someone to develop winning actions and structures to get you towards your goals. Writing your goals down and working with someone to lay out a plan for their successful and attainment is an investment in yourself, your life and business. If you don’t yet have your goals on paper, do so now, if you can afford it, work with a coach to set goals to guide your progress for the rest of 2013. If you did set goals, then this is a great time to check-in and assess where you are in relations to your goals, plan some celebration for the goals you have attained and strategize to fine tune and accelerate the goals that you haven’t yet quite gotten too.

One of my clients in a quarterly review last year found a way to increase his business revenue by 20%, while another client implemented the winning strategies needed to finally get a raise she wanted for the past two years. These are opportunities they would have missed had they not taken the time to reflect and take quick action on their goals in our quarterly session. I urge you to stop and take the time to review your goals, see where you are and where you want to go and see if there are things you need to change, tweak or reverse. I have seen this process help clients save thousands of dollars, change relationships, get, raises, promotion and improve their wellness. Go ahead! Give yourself permission to review your goals today.

To Your Success and Wellness


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist, Interpersonal Wellness Expert and Executive Coach who works with entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, executives and organizations to maximize time, resources, energy and results, so they maintain life balance and wellness. Joyce is also Director of Manitoba’s only ICF approved coach training program. She trains and mentors Coaches and Wellness Facilitators. You can learn about the IWS Network of Coaches and Facilitators by clicking the link below.

Setting Annual Goals

There are many ideas, strategies and models on the market for setting goals and most people have diligently set goals every year and do all they can to achieve their goals. However many clients tell me that they are just not successful at attaining their goals. The first challenge to goal achievement is to set goals that are in alignment with you. That means your goals should align with your core values and should resonate some energy, excitement and stretching on your part within a timeline. The key is stretching and focused and don’t forget goals also need to be measurable and time bound. If you have to set your performance or corporate goals then it is important that you align your personal and professional goals to ensure that you can maintain momentum, stay focused and take the action steps necessary to reach your goals. If you have goals, think of setting goals or want to be more successful with your goals for 2013, the single most important thing you can do is to work with a coach to help you set and reach effective goals and create action steps to help you execute so you can achieve your goals with grace.

Think of setting goals for all areas of your life by using the Life Wellness System below and if you are looking for help call me to work with you on setting goals that will improve your well being in all areas of your life.







Joyce Odidison works with entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, executives and their organizations to increase wellness for business and life strategies and innovations. Joyce is the president of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc and the world’s leading Interpersonal Wellness Experts & Coach.

Don’t get Caught in a Summer Rut

Do you have plans for the summer? Many of you have been structured all year long and are looking forward to your summer vacation and to some rest and relaxation. You may have plans to read a good book, enjoy the sunshine, go to the beach, maybe even do some much needed gardening and of course the most important thing is to spend quality time with friends and family. Can you imagine going through the summer and not getting to do most of the activities on your list?

Summer plans also needs some structure

Like most people you may be thinking that summer is also a time to do away with all structures such as day-timer, calendars and lists. As a coach, I have seen many clients in the fall who are upset with themselves because they didn’t get to do some of the things they wanted to do. I think it is important to have a bit of rest and relaxation and I too am looking forward to reading for relaxation, but I have come to learn that it is very important to maintain some structure so that I can enjoy my summer and look back fondly at the things I did without guilt over having missed on some very important things.


Sometimes we plan to do too much, which can be overwhelming, as a result we end up not getting anything done. Are you in danger of putting too much on your summer calendar? If you have a lot that you want to get accomplished it is important that you be realistic about what you want to get done and your time availability. Yes, summer is also a time to set realistic goals.

Action steps

Here is how I help my clients go about maintaining structure and fun over the summer months.

  • Make a list of all the things you want to do this summer
  • Arrange your list in order of priority
  • Identify the amount of time needed to get your top 5 things done
  • Plan the other two important activities in the time left over

I would love to hear what you have planned for the summer and that you are giving yourself an opportunity to work, live and play well even during the long hot summer days.

Be Well

Joyce Odidison is the Director of training at Inter personal Wellness System Coaching Institute. She is a Conflict Analyst, Facilitator and Coach, an Alternative Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Mediator and author of the books “Getting Ready for Mediation, 2004 and “Interpersonal Wellness System, 2010. Joyce is also the world’s leading Interpersonal Wellness expert and the creator of the innovative Interpersonal Wellness System model® and the IWQ Life Planning Profile Assessment®. She is also a great keynote speaker, coach and mentor who work with leaders in organizations and their employees to implement an 8 step strategy for workplace wellness, conflict management and respectful workplace interactions. Joyce help her clients and audiences to work well, live well and play well by providing easy to implement strategies and tips to optimize their interpersonal wellness and success.

Goodbye September, 2009

Well it’s the end of September, 2009. What do you need to give thanks for have done or accomplished in September? As I look back, I find that I could use another week in the month of September if it was offered but the reality is that I don’t have that offer on the table so I need not consider it. What I do have control of is how I will end 2009.

Its 2 days away from our 90 Days Goal Setting Challenge! Who will win the surprise price? Is it you, do you have a goal in mind that you have been considering? Plan to begin our challenge this Friday and begin taking steps to end 2009 with a bang!

How about setting a goal to begin and keep a gratitude journal for the rest of 2009? Will that be of benefit to you on New Years Day? There are so many things we need to stop and give thanks for. Start now by identifying 5 things that you would like to give thanks for in September.