Coaching Career Opportunities

Ever wondered what you could do with a coaching certification? This is the time to find out. This summer, we will be providing our summer intensive coach certificate training along with the new business development course for coaches who want to establish careers in the wellness industry, as either life wellness or workplace wellness coaches.

People everywhere are looking to work with a coach to increase their success. A client recently told me she couldn’t imagine where her life would be today without the support of her coach.

Potential Clients of Coaching

Think of all the folks you know who plan on getting things done but haven’t been able to develop a structure to accomplish their goal. Those who promise to change a bad habit or learn a new skill but keep failing? That person who begins many projects but never gets any of them done. Yes, think of the person who need to set some healthy life style habits but don’t have the will power to attain their goal on their own. Do you happen to know someone who is wasting their life away without clear goal, focus or thought? Think of the person who hates their job or just feels stuck in their life with no clear way on moving forward.

Think of all those situations and more, imagine yourself being the coach for that person or person(s). Take advantage of the summer coaching institute to complete your course work in 60 days and get ready for your career in coaching sooner.

To Your Wellness


Praying for Wellness

Praying is one strategy we can use to align with our clients for success. Some time ago I posted on praying for the workforce on my blog. This topic is curious and comes up again in my work with clients when using the Interpersonal Wellness Quotient (IWQ™). Prayer is a vital energy force that we can tap into to align our energy with our clients’ to do better and bigger things in their lives. Interpersonal Wellness System theory reminds us that we are interconnected by social vibrations and when we pray for our clients (or with our clients should it be appropriate and they are open) it is one way to align our energy to theirs and tap into immense power they would not otherwise have experienced. This came up recently working with a client who was really struggling. He inherited two high need children in a new relationship and he did not want children. This inner conflict is crushing him and impacting his moods, life and work; he really wants the relationship but the children apparently have ADHD and other oppositional disorder issues. He felt caught in a bind and absolutely overwhelmed.

In one of our sessions together, he was very overwhelmed and I asked if I could align with him to tap into the source of power to bring a deeper awareness, insight and wisdom to his situation. Although he claims to hate religion, he was open to a new way, the time was right and the request felt natural to make and he was open and receptive. He later informed me that that he felt better and was appreciative of this exercise. I think sometimes as practitioners, we take on too much of our clients issues, leading to compassion fatigue and our own misalignment. In my work with the Interpersonal wellness coaches and facilitators I mentor, I often remind them to be empathetic and detached. This includes being aware of their limitations and knowing how to set boundaries to support their own wellness. I strongly believe we are better able to serve our clients when we take good care of our own wellness.

How do you remain detached and empathetic? What strategies do you use to maintain yours and your clients’ wellness?


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist, Interpersonal Wellness Expert and Executive Coach who works with entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, executives and their organizations to address challenges and conflicts, to maximize time, resources, energy and results, so they maintain life balance and wellness. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. You can learn about the IWS Network of Coaches and Facilitators by clicking the link below.

Getting in Sync with your Business

Are you in sync with your business? If you are not having fun and find yourself wondering if this is all there is to running your own business then you probably are not running your business well. Business owners work harder than anyone I know. They face uncertainties, loneliness and anxiety, leading many to suffer burnout and stress resulting in what is referred to as the “Sacrifice Syndrome” (Boyatzis & McKee, 2005). They work too hard, become hardnosed, lose compassion and their joy in life, treat others callously and, damage important relationships; while some lose their vitality and health. This summer we are taking a pause and getting in sync with our business.

The Summer Business Coaching Institute (SBCI) will provide a roadmap to maximize time, resources and energy, so you as a business owner can work, live and play well. It is okay to run your business well but not at the expense of everything that’s precious and important in your life. Running your business well is your responsibility and you need to get the support to do so.

The six week SBCI will take place every Thursday evening at 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Whether you’re just starting your business or in business for a long time you will gain a load of insight and growth on how to run your business well. Begin today! Take a step so you can have as much fun as you see others are having. We kick off tonight with an agenda topic – getting in sync with your business. This is an exploration of who you are in your business and strategies to align your business with your values so you can have as much fun doing what you are called to do, and serve your clients with joy. Attend the entire series, or attend specific sessions that appeal to you. We still have a few spots left. Join us now, if you want to begin running your business well. Join SBCI here or cut and paste this link in your URL:

To your wellness


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist, Interpersonal Wellness Expert and Executive Coach who works with entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, executives and their organizations to address challenges and conflicts, to maximize time, resources, energy and results, so they maintain life balance and wellness. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. You can learn about the IWS Network of Coaches and Facilitators by clicking the link below.

International Women’s Day Significance for Men

Tomorrow Friday March 8th is International Women’s Day – so how does a man celebrate this significant day? This day is set aside by the UN to encourage fairness, justice, and equitable treatment of women to observe of their human rights. If you are a man who wants to make this personal for the woman in your life here are some tips:

Men try this at home:

  • Ensure that your lady feels treated like your equal and have equivalent time with the television remote
  • Change the dialogue from “helping” out at home to sharing responsibilities
  • Ask for her input on an important decision in your life and listen respectfully
  • Try completing a task in your home that is traditionally done by the lady (except for childbirth, you’re not that strong)

Women note this:

This is not a day for flowers and roses exclusively; this is a day to focus on core issues that impact our lives as women. Since we live longer than males statistically, we need to think differently about our wellness, how they age, how they care for themselves and think ahead and create great relationships to see them through their life span. I encourage every woman to think of March as your wellness month and do one thing to improve your wellness this month. I am facilitating a women’s wellness mastermind session tonight – Join me

To Your Wellness


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist, Interpersonal Wellness Expert and Executive Coach who works with entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, executives and their organizations to address challenges and conflicts, to maximize time, resources, energy and results, so they maintain life balance and wellness. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. You can learn about the IWS Network of Coaches and Facilitators by clicking the link below.

The Power of Mastermind Sessions

Are you a mid-career professional, entrepreneur or business owner looking for a powerful monthly mastermind session that offers high and content high value with accountability and amazing results? There is much research espousing the values of mastermind sessions to maximize your results and give access to shared power of minds working and supporting each other to reach higher levels of success and wellness. If you are a business owner who works alone and wants to engage with a small group, please contact me to learn about my mastermind support and structure.

Let’s face it, regardless of how amazing and supportive your spouse or friends are they just cannot appreciate the realities of running a business. They also don’t have the mind of an entrepreneur and the experiences of having lived it to help you grow your business and deal with the challenges of expanding, downsizing, offering new products and services, difficult customers, employee challenges, business fears and uncertainties, managing stress and staying well.

I have been running mastermind sessions for the past seven years and bring the power, energy, passion and excitement as well as the tools and resources to keep the dialogue flowing and the creative ideas working. Contact me here to learn more

To Your Wellness is 2013.
 Time Resources and Wellness for Business and Life

Joyce Odidison help mid-career professionals, entrepreneurs, executives and their organizations respond to difficult situations in their work or life Well, to get great results and maximize time, resources and wellness in their organizations, business and life.


A Prayer to Heal Workplace Relationships

Helping you experience work and life relationships well so you can…..

Today I pray for all those with troubled work relationships. May you find peace and harmony at work and experience your work relationships in the best possible way.

I pray that you will no longer experience fear. I pray that you will be skilled at negotiating your working relationship for the success and development of yourself and your team.

I pray that your experience at work today will be peaceful and dignified and that you may be favored and valued.

I pray that you will acknowledge fully how you may be attracting negative relationships into your work life and change your energy vibrations so that you attract relationships that work well for you.

I pray that you will easily attract and retain good, kind and considerate co-workers into your sphere of influence.

I pray that neither violence nor harm will come to you today. I pray that you will begin to expect great things from those you work with and that you intentions for your working relationships maybe what it is supposed to be – relationships that are respectful, dignified, collaborative, encouraging, developing, and productive.

I pray that you will not become changed or defined by any negative experience you encountered at work. I pray that you will remain your authentic self and shine your light bright in this world.

I pray that you will find love in your heart for those who treat you poorly. I pray that your love will heal your relationships and that you will find the courage to express kindness, forgiveness and grace.

I pray that today your enemies may become your advocate, defenders and champions.

To Your Wellness

Joyce Odidison is the Director of training at Interpersonal Wellness System Coaching Institute. She is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Coach, an Alternative Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Mediator and author of the books “Getting Ready for Mediation, 2004 and “Interpersonal Wellness System, 2010. Joyce is the world’s leading Interpersonal Wellness expert; she has created the innovative Interpersonal Wellness System model® and the revolutionary Interpersonal Wellness Quotient® (IWQ). She is also a great keynote speaker, Interpersonal Wellness coach and mentor who work with leaders in organizations to implement the eight levels of wellness for business and Life, and develop interpersonal intelligence skills. Joyce helps her clients and audiences to experience their work and life relationships well so they and work well, live well and play well. She provides easy to implement, proven success strategies and tips to optimize all eight levels of wellness for interpersonal wellness and success. You can contact Joyce at

March is Women’s Wellness Month

Did you know that March 8, 2012 is International Women’s Day and that March 24, 2012 is Women’s Wellness Day? This covers the entire month of March so we declare March as Women’s Wellness month. We want to contribute to the wellness of all women with our March Women’s Wellness Coaching package.

Here at Interpersonal Wellness Services, we are discounting all our services to women. If you are woman living anywhere in the universe you can attend our coach training, work with a coach to set new wellness goals with 50% plus discount. Get a free consultation and get started by March 1st start working with an Interpersonal Wellness coach to help you design and implement a plan to….

I will offer my personal guarantee to work with you in the month of March to reach your wellness goals or work with you for free until you do? How is that for a personal guarantee? We will help you implement our 8 step strategy to reach your optimal wellness. Let March 2012 be the year to actualize your wellness success.

I want you to find your own path to wellness in March, 2012.

To Your Wellness

I would love to hear how you are building in wellness success plans that mirror your other areas of life success. Share with me on my blog. I wish you peace and wellness.

Joyce Odidison is a Success Wellness Coach who helps clients align their wellness and success, so they have more of both to work well, live well and play well. Joyce implements an 8 step plan to help her clients achieve success in just 2 to 8 weeks.

Joyce is also the world’s leading Interpersonal Wellness expert, speaker, coach, and mentor. She is also an Alternative Dispute Resolution Practitioner and author of the books “Getting Ready for Mediation, 2004 and “Interpersonal Wellness System, 2010. Joyce provides her clients and audience with easy to implement strategies and tips to optimize their wellness and success.



Alignment for Success


Welcome to a Journey with Joyce

Interpersonal Wellness Tip – Alignment


Are you finding that parts of your life are not aligned as you become more successful? Is it harder to keep things in focus and to balance?

Alignment is a core element of a successful and well life. Alignment of your core values with your life principles will boost your self-confidence and help you build a solid success wellness plan. This will form the base from which to measure and define your success and wellness.

Many clients complain that the have little time care for themselves and do that things that will sustain their wellness. As a result hey spend far too much time being ill or not being at their optimal level to get maximum results. Would you prefer to schedule time off to rest and relax at your leisure or forced time off being ill? What of multiple fuggy and sluggish days this seem far less productive.


Here is how to identify your values:

  • Ask yourself, what are my values?
  • What are the things that are important to me?
  • How do they reflect my integrity, my spirit and help to give me a sense of balance?
  • How do they help to define me?
  • Who do they say I am?

Those who master success without a plan to align their wellness are more prone to headaches, heartburns, indigestions and a wellness deficit that looks something like this: achievement + success = −wellness.

No more!! I want you to learn a new math that adds up like this: achievement + success = +wellness. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too! This is great math that amounts to a well balanced and full life.

It is our responsibility to manage our success well at each level so that we can enjoy success well in all areas of our lives.

Here is how you can align your core values and life principles to gain balance and a foundation from which to build your success wellness plan. Ask yourself these questions and take some time to write out a sentence or two that helps you put them together in a functional way.

Coaching Action

  1. What do I need to do to reflect this value in my life? How can I renew my strength and confidence through this knowledge and practice?
  2. What does this value say about who I am and how can I use it to develop a vision for my wellness success and my overall quality of life?
  3. How can I live this value daily and how does this give me hope for the future and make my life a source of strength for others?
  4. What is one thing I need to stop doing to more fully reflect this value and how can I do this daily?

I would love to hear how you are building in wellness success plans that mirror your other areas of life success. Share with me on my blog. I wish you peace and wellness.

Joyce Odidison is the leading Interpersonal Wellness expert, Executive Coach and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc.  Her company delivers a full spectrum of strategic services to help leaders in organizations and their employees to enhance performance to attain Diversity Integration, Conflict Management and Workplace Wellness, to improve interpersonal dynamics and reduce distractions and workplace stresses. Joyce is also the training director at Interpersonal Wellness System Coaching Institute and creator of the Wellness personal assessment tool the IWQ.

Joyce is also a speaker, coach, mentor and Alternative Dispute Resolution Practitioner. She is the author of the books “Getting Ready for Mediation, 2004 and “Interpersonal Wellness System, 2010. Joyce provides her clients and audience with easy to implement strategies and tips to optimize their wellness and success.



Living in Appreciation

When was the last time you took time to appreciate all the things in your life? This means appreciating all the things you think are good and those that are not so good. Often the things we see as hardships or bad luck turn out to be great blessings in disguise but if we are too busy we fail to realize this or give thanks to the universe for taking care of us.

Many of us are so busy with our lives and work, that we seldom take time pay attention to what we have in our lives or to really appreciate our realities. When we live in appreciation we become aware of our blessings and the strangest thing happens – we begin to see even more good things in our lives. When my client Jay began a gratitude journal, he reported that he was noticing that there was always something to be grateful for at the end of the day no matter how bad he thought things may have gone. He shared that though he wasn’t in the habit of taking time to appreciate his life, he now noticed that the more he paid attention and showed appreciation for even those things that he does not like, he is realizing more amazing things happening in his life. What with meeting a special someone that shares his values and have similar life goals after searching for so long, Jay is even more keen to continue living in appreciation.

How about you? Are you living in appreciation? As I travel this summer with my family I have become appreciative of even the mosquitoes in my home town. Why don’t you share with me what you are appreciative for this summer? I would love to hear from you.

Coaching Café is Today!!

Come on down and join the fun at our free Life coaching café today! Come to the Life Coaching Centre at 875 Gateway Rd and look for the big white tent in the parking lot. We have refreshments, laughter, networking and sharing. Learn how coaching is being used all over the world to make fast and comprehensive changes in all areas of people’s lives. Don’t miss out on Winnipeg’s first ever coaching café. This event is free and open to the public between 1pm and 6pm one day only. Bring a friend or come alone. Remember, only leaders take risks and try new things first. Let this event be one of your first.

See you there…