Living in Appreciation

When was the last time you took time to appreciate all the things in your life? This means appreciating all the things you think are good and those that are not so good. Often the things we see as hardships or bad luck turn out to be great blessings in disguise but if we are too busy we fail to realize this or give thanks to the universe for taking care of us.

Many of us are so busy with our lives and work, that we seldom take time pay attention to what we have in our lives or to really appreciate our realities. When we live in appreciation we become aware of our blessings and the strangest thing happens – we begin to see even more good things in our lives. When my client Jay began a gratitude journal, he reported that he was noticing that there was always something to be grateful for at the end of the day no matter how bad he thought things may have gone. He shared that though he wasn’t in the habit of taking time to appreciate his life, he now noticed that the more he paid attention and showed appreciation for even those things that he does not like, he is realizing more amazing things happening in his life. What with meeting a special someone that shares his values and have similar life goals after searching for so long, Jay is even more keen to continue living in appreciation.

How about you? Are you living in appreciation? As I travel this summer with my family I have become appreciative of even the mosquitoes in my home town. Why don’t you share with me what you are appreciative for this summer? I would love to hear from you.

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