Fall Calendars and Schedules

The warm summer nights are quickly turning into dewy cool evenings, which mean we should all be looking at our fall calendars and schedules. It has been a very busy summer month for us here as I completed the textbook for our coach training program, while I ran our very successful business coaching institute. Now that it’s mid August I want to partner with you to plan your fall calendar and schedules. If you’re like me you have several calendars and schedules to juggle. This does not mean chaos and confusion; you can be organized and seamless with a structure to support your work that leaves you focused and intentional. Join our Summer Roll Out Business Coaching package to put the strategies in place to accelerate your business. Become an I-Wellness Facilitator and help people become informed about their total life wellness. Become a life coach and help clients transform their lives by developing skills and competencies to work, live and play well.

View our training calendar and upcoming events for more details.


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist, Interpersonal Wellness Expert and Executive Coach who works with entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, executives and their organizations to address challenges and conflicts, to maximize time, resources, energy and results, so they maintain life balance and wellness. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. You can learn about the IWS Network of Coaches and Facilitators by clicking the link below.

Celebrating a Birthday

Well today is my birthday and what a fine day it is! I love birthdays and all they represent. As a kid who was often sick and hospitalized, I learn to mark each birthday with real joy. Even at a young age I knew that to live another year meant that I had beaten the odds and could therefore do so again. I think the notion of beating the odds have become engrained in me and I have lived most of my life scraping through one life event after another. I am finally realizing that I am a winner and that to be a winner in all its sense, one needs to experience the art of winning. I remember putting off writing papers in university till the last possible minute, completing just before the extended deadline. I remember the feeling of having beat the odds after each of my two very high risk pregnancies. It wasn’t until my birthday reflections ten years ago that I realized I was holding myself back from the amazing reality of being a winner. This led to me changing my mindset about life and the actions I was taking in my own life. Since then, every birthday is an opportunity to look into my life and ask the questions, “What have I accomplished this past year?” “What else could I have done? ” “Is there room for improvement and what steps do I need to take?” “How has my actions over the past reflected my values and purpose?” Are there people in my life whose energy is clashing with my values and purpose?” “What level of influence do they have in my life and how much time do I need to spend with them?” I also look to see who in my life share similar values and purpose. Who is supporting me in my quest? How can I better support them and how much time do I want to spend with them in the coming year? How about you? Do you live in alignment with your values? I’d love to hear your birthday rituals; mine has served me really well and has allowed me to live my life chapters with vibrancy. Please share what works for you.

To Your Wellness,



Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist, Interpersonal Wellness Expert and Executive Coach who works with entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, executives and their organizations to address challenges and conflicts, to maximize time, resources, energy and results, so they maintain life balance and wellness. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. You can learn about the IWS Network of Coaches and Facilitators by clicking the link below.

Riding the Waves with Confidence

Life will bring many joys, turns, ups and downs and many uncertainties. How do you ride the waves of life with confidence in your life and business? The only guarantees in life are that we will face challenges and great opportunities. Too often we let the challenges overwhelm us and zap our drive for life, leaving us fearful to take the great opportunities that come in their wake. It has been impressed on me that these challenging times are meant to test our resolve and strengthen our determination to move ahead and stay focused on our goals. Hence the importance of have goals in our lives, all too often we are not clear on what we want to have in our lives and therefore we are unable to achieve it. Here are some tips to keep you on course when things get turbulent: set goals, get clear on exactly what you want to attain, include people in your life you can trust, create your own cheerleading team, clear out the clutter and get rid of toxic people in your life.

Setting goals is one way to increase clarity but it is also vitally important to stay focused and have someone who is able to champion us when we grow weary or faint. Who is your champion or cheerleader? No one can do it alone without support and encouragements. Find your team of champions and develop a strong bond with them. Let them know what their encouragement means to you and ask them what they need of you and remember to share your goals with them. Focus on drawing good people and opportunities into your life. This week in our Summer Coaching Institute we will be looking at riding the waves with confidence in business and life.

To Your Wellness.


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist, Interpersonal Wellness Expert and Executive Coach who works with entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, executives and their organizations to address challenges and conflicts, to maximize time, resources, energy and results, so they maintain life balance and wellness. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. You can learn about the IWS Network of Coaches and Facilitators by clicking the links below.