Giving the Gift of Wellness for the Holidays

Book a Wellness Conversation and have Family and Friends attend for the Holidays! Don’t delay, only a few dates left.

Ever wondered what would happen if we practiced giving the gift of wellness for the holidays? Employers who give their employees’ wellness and health packages are not just showing appreciation, they are investing in their employees’ wellness; helping them access resources that will ensure their employment life cycle is well maintained. This year, our company is joining with other organizations to ensure that they have a wider range of services and selections to promote health and wellness with their employees. We have a range of gift certificates at various prices for a range of services including Wellness assessment and plans, Wellness coaching packages and Wellness Conversations.

December and January are very high stressed months for employees and their families. Many people get sick and hospitalized and yes some even die of stress related diseases because they unable to cope with their life stress plus the stress of the holiday activities. Last year someone I cared for had a terrible stroke due to stress and someone I loved passed away a few January’s ago. This time of year often reminds me of warmth, hugs, smiles and good cheer but many of my clients share with me that they dread this time of year. They hate spending time with relatives that are unpleasant, fighting or just not getting along. That is why am offering Wellness Conversations for families and friends to get together and talk about the 8 pillars of wellness and how they can support each other in maintaining their capacity for wellness.

Wellness Conversations are an engaging dialogue about what makes up wellness in all our lives. It is a very interactive dialogue that touches on all the 8 life dimensions and incorporates the Interpersonal Wellness Quotient (IWQ) personal wellness assessment instrument to help friends and family members assess their own wellness capacity and get their current wellness profile. They then become engaged in a facilitated dialogue about supporting each other to develop their wellness in each of the 8 wellness dimensions. Family and friends then develop a buddy system to help support (no nagging allowed) each other as they each work to improve their wellness and overall IWQ.

If you have employees who have been complaining about family members or friends whom they are concerned about this past year, get them a wellness conversation. If you have family and friends whom you worried about their health or who have bad habits, this is a healthy none threatening way to introduce them to a more comprehensive wellness conversation that is facilitated in a non-threatening, and non- judgmental way. Contact me if you want to learn to facilitate wellness conversations by becoming a wellness facilitator here

Go here to book your wellness conversations at home.

To Your Wellness


Joyce Odidison, MA, PCC,

Conflict Analyst, Strategist,

Interpersonal Wellness Expert & Coach


Hi, I’m Joyce Odidison and I believe that wellness is the key to a great life, vitality and excellence. Here is my story. Three years into my mediation practice, a client got so distraught while in a mediation session, he had a heart attack in my office. He survived. However, this was a turning point in my career and led me to make the connection between our personal wellness and our interpersonal lives. As a result I created the Pre-Mediation Model, a coaching process to help clients prepare for success prior to mediation. Later, I created the Interpersonal Wellness System model and the Interpersonal Wellness Quotient (IWQ) Personal Assessment Instrument to help clients identify and improve their capacity for wellness in all areas of their lives.  Unlike others who just facilitate or coach, I am well known for the quality and integrity of my work as outlined in the innovation systems and models I create and teach. Over the last five years I have created the Interpersonal Wellness Coach training program and I continue to train and mentor coaches in this program with the help of some super coaches. In my own practice, I help entrepreneurs, leaders, employees and their organizations attain fast sustainable results. I would love to support you to live well in all life dimensions as you strive to…….


Wellness What Does it Mean to You?

Wellness is the key to great health, vitality, joy, success, abundance and the results of staying focused on your goals; living in alignment with your values and knowing who you are and most importantly, who you want to become. All those who desire to live in alignment with their values and have a purpose statement that they can clearly articulate are indeed on their way toward creating a sustainable system of wellness. Wellness is a whole system approach to life. There is no wellness without a commitment to values. Values give our lives purpose and meaning and it allows us to pay attention to who we are and what we are manifesting in our lives and what we are contributing to the world.

What is your definition of Wellness? Please share your concept of wellness with us.

Your Views with us

Joyce Odidison, MA, PCC

Conflict Analyst, Strategist & Executive Coach

Three years into her mediation practice, a client got so distraught while in a mediation session, he had a heart attack in Joyce’s office. He survived. However, this was a turning point in Joyce’s career that allowed her to see the importance of wellness in our lives and the importance of our abilities to live well, work well and play well. It led her to creating the Pre-Mediation Model, a coaching process to help clients prepare for success prior to mediation. Later, Joyce created the Interpersonal Wellness System model and the Interpersonal Wellness Quotient (IWQ) Personal Assessment Instrument to help clients identify and improve their capacity for wellness in all areas of their lives. Today, Joyce Odidison is one of the world’s leading Interpersonal Wellness experts and the CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc.—a performance enhancement, consulting, coaching and training firm, where Joyce has worked with organization such as federal, provincial and municipal governments, colleges, universities and crown corporations, supporting their employees to manage conflict, identify their key life stressors to prevent burnout, reduce stress and turnover, improve interpersonal skills and build their capacity for wellness and excellence. Joyce is well known throughout Canada for the quality and integrity of her work and her innovative systems and models, used to help employees and organizations attain fast sustainable results. If you are having interpersonal wellness challenges, you are guaranteed fast sustainable results when you put Joyce’s track record to work for you and your employees.


Maintaining Physical Wellness

Well the snow is here and we are all tempted to go to bed a bit earlier and wake up a little later. Whether you are an early riser or a late night owl, fall and winter weather requires us to rest more. Our bodies are adjusting to colder weather and shorter days and most of us are retaliating by going on with our lives as usual. Weather you can slow down and have shorter days or not, it is important that we respect our body needs so that we have the energy and vitality necessary to maintain our wellness. Did I mention working out? Oh yes, we do need to keep active in the fall and winter also, even if we don’t feel like it. The trick is to find a process that works for you and something you can sustain. Remember, if your wellness in one dimension goes down it will impact your wellness in all the other dimensions. Down is not where you want to be headed because you have worked so hard to keep yourself well all year, why give up now? Here is what I am doing this fall and winter to maintain my physical wellness and stay alert and revitalized.

Raw Soups to Boost Physical Wellness

Most of you know that I am a lover of soup. I was looking for a way to stay more alert and keep my body vital over the fall and winter months and I discovered that I quite liked raw soup. Now don’t laugh, raw soup is actually very delicious, convenient and easy to prepare. If you have a blender at home then you can make raw soup as often as you need. All it calls for is 2 cups of your favorite vegetables with some salt, garlic and onions and I put a quarter teaspoon of honey in one to two cups of water and I have enough soup for two meals. I could eat soup everyday but since I’m the only one who eats soup at my house, this meant that I would be stuck eating an entire pot of the same soup for several days. Since I started making raw soup, I have not had to make a huge pot of soup and I can change my soup flavor each day if I wish. Now that the snow is here, you may want to use warm water as the base of your soup. If you are taking your soup to work then you can put it in the microwave for thirty seconds to remove the chill. The benefits of raw soup are immense, you get all that nutrients and freshness right into your system and I must say I am so much more alert and my thinking somehow feels clearer. I am now a raw soup fan.

I can’t wait to hear your favorite raw soup recipes. The trick is to start small with the vegetables you already like and work your way up to new and different vegetables. Happy Eating!

Joyce Odidison, MA, PCC,

Conflict Analyst, Strategist Coach

& Interpersonal Wellness Expert


Hi, I’m Joyce Odidison and I believe that wellness is the key to a great life, vitality and excellence. Here is my story. Three years into my mediation practice, a client got so distraught while in a mediation session, he had a heart attack in my office. He survived. However, this was a turning point in my career and led me to create the Pre-Mediation Model, a coaching process to help clients prepare for success prior to mediation. Later, I created the Interpersonal Wellness System model and the Interpersonal Wellness Quotient (IWQ) Personal Assessment Instrument to help clients identify and improve their capacity for wellness in all areas of their lives.  Unlike others who just facilitate or coach, I am well known for the quality and integrity of my work as outlined in the innovation systems and models I create and teach. Over the last five years I have created the Interpersonal Wellness Coach training program and I continue to train and mentor coaches in this program with the help of some super coaches. In my own practice, I help employees and organizations attain fast sustainable results. I love supporting you to live well in all life dimensions as you strive to…….


Continuing Coaching Education CCE

The International Coach Federation (ICF) has granted 24 Continuing Coach Education CCE to coaches who take the Interpersonal Wellness Quotient (IWQ) Personal Wellness Assessment Instrument facilitator training. The Wellness Facilitator training is six weeks long and equips coaches with the knowledge, skills and tools to administer the IWQ assessment instrument with their current clients; as well as prepare them to market and promote their coaching services to new clients, including corporate markets. The IWQ is a full spectrum integrated wellness system model that helps clients assess and discover their capacity to contribute to the wellness of their relationships at work or in their personal life

There are some key benefits to becoming a Wellness Facilitator, other than having a high content, high value assessment tool that raises awareness for clients and engage them in exploring all eight life dimensions. This training also provides facilitators with a comprehensive toolkit that includes their facilitation materials, PowerPoint presentation and practice on how to attract and qualify prospective coaching clients through wellness conversations and gatherings. You won’t want to miss out on this one of a kind training and facilitation package. Upon completing the program in just six weeks, you will also get your Wellness Facilitator certification, logo and ready to deliver products to take to the market.

Facilitators will benefit from learn how to:  

  • Attract and qualify clients for your coaching practice
  • Facilitate Wellness Conversations and Gatherings
  • Specialize your coaching practice
  • Incorporate a wellness element to your existing practice
  • Access to professionally developed IWQ products for your practice
  • Attain your IWF certification and logo for your practice
  • Gain 24 ICF CCE
  • Build a profitable niche and a strategy to attract new clients   
  • Help clients identify debilitating stressors early to prevent burnout
  • Help clients develop a Wellness Plan
  • Expand your coaching practice and reach new markets
  • Provide clients with a professional quantifiable ROI


Wellness coaching is a growing area of interest in our community and in workplaces. Coaches who specialize early in the Wellness Coaching niche have an opportunity to work with a wide range of clients. Our Wellness Facilitator program provides coaches with the training to work with client to help them attain wellness in any of the following eight dimensions: Spiritual, Social, Emotional, Occupational, Intellectual, Financial and Physical dimensions so they can optimize their overall wellness capacity.

To learn more about the Wellness Facilitator training or the IWQ program, please go here

Coaches seeking this wellness specialization will also gain mentoring the creator of program Joyce Odidison, one of the worlds the leading Interpersonal Wellness Experts. Don’t wait to begin your training as our training is based on a first come first serve basis. The sooner you begin the sooner you will be able to change the life of clients, provide your clients with an ROI and expand your coaching reach.

Register for our free information Session scheduled for November 17, 2012. Go here to Register for the call

I can’t wait to work with you!

Joyce Odidison, MA, PCC, Conflict Analyst, Strategist Coach and Interpersonal Wellness Expert

Hi, I’m Joyce Odidison and I believe that wellness is the key to a great life, vitality and excellence. Here is my story. Three years into my mediation practice, a client got so distraught while in a mediation session, he had a heart attack in my office. He survived. However, this was a turning point in my career and led me to create the Pre-Mediation Model, a coaching process to help clients prepare for success prior to mediation. Later, I created the Interpersonal Wellness System model and the Interpersonal Wellness Quotient (IWQ) Personal Assessment Instrument to help clients identify and improve their capacity for wellness in all areas of their lives.  Unlike others who just facilitate or coach, I am well known for the quality and integrity of my work as outlined in the innovation systems and models I create and teach. Over the last five years I have created the Interpersonal Wellness Coach training program and I continue to train and mentor coaches in this program with the help of some super coaches. In my own practice, I help employees and organizations attain fast sustainable results. I am current Training Director of IWS Coaching Institute and President of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc, and some refer to me as the world’s leading Interpersonal Wellness Expert. I am so glad that ICF has indicated their support for our IWQ facilitator training program and I can’t way to share my knowledge and experiences with you on how being a Wellness Coach can help you to expand your business and market.