Life Comes At You Fast!

Sometimes we need someone to be a thinking partner, to strategize with and think outside the box when life’s challenges jolt us from our routine.  Something quite minute can disrupt our entire day or cause us to doubt what we believe in if it comes at the wrong time of day.  When this occurs, we all need support or a tool to keep us in the driver’s seat of our lives.

With the interpersonal wellness coaching assessment model it’s easy to go back to the source and identify what’s been triggered.

Imagine you are at work and there comes an e-mail from your teenager’s teacher that his/her behaviour is out of bounds, this has you imagining the worst.  What kind of parent am I?  How can my child behave this way?  Is this person picking on my child?  It’s hard to plan and strategize when you are dealing with all these emotions.  It’s also very important to step back and assess what happened.  A bit of analysis goes a long way to help us remember what’s important.  Here are some coaching questions that I find helpful:

  • What is the issue?
  • Who is involved?
  • What damage was done?
  • What can be the worst possible outcome?
  • How can I best help this situation?
  • Is there a relationship here worth saving?
  • How upset am I right now?
  • Can I deal with this on my own?
  • Who could be the best resource for me?
  • Can I separate work and home issues or do I have to deal with this now?

It’s important for us to know what we want from life but if we don’t know, working with a coach is a good place to start to unravel the layers of our desires and get to the core of who we are and why we are being faced with the challenges we encounter.

1.    What challenges are you encountering now?

2.    How might working with a coach help you make sense of your career, work or personal life?

3.    What are you attracting to yourself?

4.    What vibrations might you be emanating that’s contributing to those challenges?

Immigrant Employee Workplace Transition Coaching™

What is Immigrant Employee Workplace Transition Coaching ?

Immigrant transition coaching is a process that serves to raise awareness and acknowledgement, build confidence, as well as empower, motivate, enthuse and equip immigrant employees with tools, skills and knowledge to grow and make the necessary changes to successfully integrate into their new workplace.

The process asks that immigrant employees evaluate their professional expectations and level of engagement at work, as well as their interpersonal relationships.  Are they getting the results they want in their workplace interactions and are they realizing their personal growth potential? Are they stuck or being held back by culturally biased perspectives, beliefs or idiosyncrasies?  Are they making a contribution, meeting their work plan goals, asking for help when needed? They also receive support to develop professional goals that align with their organizational goals or career focus.

It also focuses on cultural diversity coaching in the social arena, by helping employees to develop a work life balance plan to prevent and manage culture shock conflicts at home, as a way to reduce personal distractions at work.  They are encouraged to find avenues to participate in their community that fit their interests and desired level of social activity.   They are also encouraged to value the good in their own culture as they assess what norms to keep, modify, adapt or assimilate in a manner that will not violate their deeply held religious or cultural beliefs.

 Is there a need for cultural diversity or immigrant transition coaching in your workplace?


What are some of the challenges your workplace and your immigrant employees face?


What are the major obstacles you faced and how are you resolving them?