Reducing Your Fall Stress

As we move into the month of August, it is time to begin looking at the things we need to have in place to make our entry into fall smooth and impactful. Are you planning on taking vacation in August? Have you set plans in motion for your return and have you taken the necessary steps to ensure that you don’t fall back into work but rather make a gradual return into your fall winter routine.

I was interviewed by Canadian Living Magazine this spring for an article that will be in their August edition on reducing fall stress. As I prepare for vacation, I too have been taking steps to ensure that my entry into fall is smooth and gradual. I find that it really robs me of the joy of vacation when I come back to work and face a mountain of tasks that had not been planned and prepared for. There will always be an array of unplanned and unscheduled changes to our calendars, routines and lives. However, it is important for us to plan and make contingencies for those that we are able to foresee or control.

Another way to ensure that you are managing your stress well and preparing for the fall activity is to measure your IWQ this is your Interpersonal Wellness Quotient which tells you how you are doing and how much you will be able to contribute to your life or work. Note this also tells you how much you can contribute to the wellness of your relationships so that you are better able to prevent and manoeuvre challenging situations. As you complete this test, ask yourself what you would want to do differently in your life and in what areas would you like to develop your wellness so that you will have more capacity to share with the world, and of course to ensure that you have the energy and vitality that you will need for a busy and impactful fall.

I would love to hear how you plan on preparing for the fall. Please take some time to share some of your tips below with our readers.

Coaching Café is Today!!

Come on down and join the fun at our free Life coaching café today! Come to the Life Coaching Centre at 875 Gateway Rd and look for the big white tent in the parking lot. We have refreshments, laughter, networking and sharing. Learn how coaching is being used all over the world to make fast and comprehensive changes in all areas of people’s lives. Don’t miss out on Winnipeg’s first ever coaching café. This event is free and open to the public between 1pm and 6pm one day only. Bring a friend or come alone. Remember, only leaders take risks and try new things first. Let this event be one of your first.

See you there…

What is a Coaching Cafe?

A coaching cafe is a fun, interesting, no obligation way to learn about coaching. It provides a discussion forum from which to experience coaching and to ask questions about coaching, as well as to explore if coaching could meet your needs. Don’t forget that coaching is definitely the fastest way to make comprehensive changes in your lives as well as to improve your success. Come on down to the life coaching cafe and have some fun with our Interpersonal Wellness coaches. Learn how to create your own interpersonal wellness system and who knows – you may just get the answer to your burning questions. The coaching cafe is open to the public one day only on Thursday July 22nd between 1pm and 6pm. The cafe venue is The Life Coaching Centre 875 Gateway Rd. Winnipeg. Call 668-5283 or go here to sign up

See you there!

Five Days on the Countdown

There are five days left on the countdown to our first annual coaching cafe to be held on Thursday July 22nd between 11pm and 6pm.  Come share in the fun, learn more about coaching and bring a friend or relative whom you think will appreciate learning the topic.

Don’t miss this event, it’s free to the public and will provide you with tips and tools to improve your work, life of business success.  Go here to register

Count Down to Coaching Cafe

Today begins the countdown to our first annual coaching cafe to be held next Thursday July 22nd between 1pm and 6pm. Everyday till next Thursday I will be sharing with you pieces and insights into what to expect at the coaching cafe. Are looking for information to improve your wellness or success in area of your life? A cafe is a wonderful way to explore the area of coaching in a safe none threatening way. Get the information you want and you even get to network with others who may have similar interests.

I am looking forward to the cafe as it will give me an opportunity to share with you some great and exciting information about coaching as a new and innovative approach to making fast and comprehensive changes in your life or workplace.

Let me know what you would like to gain from attending the cafe. Don’t forget – Cafes provide a fun, interesting and relaxing way to socialize, network, interact, observe, or to participate in a topic, process or event. The coaching cafe will be held out door at 875 Gateway Rd. It is shaping up to be fun, exciting and engaging and best of all it’s free and open to the public. Don’t miss out on this event, register

Coaching Cafe

Have you been part of a cafe?  Cafes provide a fun, interesting and relaxing way to socialize, network, interact, observe, or to participate in a topic, process or event. 

You are invited to participate in a Coaching Café

Coming: July 22, 2010, from 1pm – 6pm

Venue: Life Coaching Centre, 13 – 875 Gateway Rd. WPG. MB

Learn more about coaching as a vehicle to spring board your career, business, and life success, when your table is hosted by a coach. Learn how interpersonal wellness coaching can be a unique asset to your organization.

Feature Café Event – Readings from the author – Joyce Odidison from her newly released book – Interpersonal Wellness System – Improving Your Interpersonal Intelligence – A coaching Tool Kit

Get your signed and autograph copy of this amazing book, and gain the tools to optimize your life success.

Enjoy the refreshments and interact with other café guests.

We are inviting coaches and guests to participate in our cafe. 

To attend, please register yourself and your guest (s) here, or RSVP by July 19, 2010, to 204 668-5283.

Only registered guests are guaranteed being hosted by a coach!

Don’t miss this fun and engaging way to connect!

I would love to hear your experience at a cafe you attended




Solid Gold Connections

Are you looking to be part of a solid gold relationship?  This is not a dream nor is it impossible.  You can have a solid gold relationship if you apply the right tools to make that happen.  Start by applying these 4 tips:
1. First it is important to know what you want in the relationship. When we are not clear on what we want we leave ourselves open to attracting things we would rather not have.
2. Identify boundaries – establish rules for your relationships.  What it is you want this relationship to look like and what must be done to ensure that it meets your needs?
3. Speak up – many people keep waiting for the other person in the relationship to know their thoughts or read their mind.  That is impossible.  It is your responsibility to communicate in a manner that is clear, respectful and motivating, in order to get what you want from the relationship.
4. Reciprocity – It is important to consider the needs of the other person in the relationship.  A relationship is supposed to be based on mutually met needs.  If you want something then you should consider what the other persons needs are and whether you are willing to meet them or negotiate something more favourable.

Don’t forget, hard work and good intentions are important in creating solid gold connections.  Take a look at your relationship today.  Is it all that it can be? What can you do in the next 7 days to improve your relationship and optimize your connection?

Joyce Odidison, your connections coach