Know Your Worth

So what is your worth? Do you know what you are worth? Well let’s take a look at your life. The things you do and the things you settle for in your life will give us a clue as to what you think you are worth.

Are you okay with being treated with disrespect and neglect? Are you okay with poor health, low energy and not looking the way you really want your body to look? Well if you are in any of those situations, studies show that you must be doing something in your life that’s attracting or contributing to this ongoing reality in your life.

Jim is struggling with jealousy in his intimate relationship. In coaching he has begun to see a pattern of how he has behaved in previous relationships and he wants to break this habit. With further exploration he discovered that he did not feel worthy of his partner, as a result he feels that she will find someone better than him. His relationship is consumed with a sense of jealousy, anger drawn from Jim’s sense of threat when his partner interacts with other males.


Clear your mind and think of one area in your life where you are denying your worth. Are you honoring yourself? Is this making you and those who truly love you happy? What is one way you can begin to honor yourself and celebrate your worth? Are you ready to declare your worth? Are you caring for and loving yourself as you would a loved one?

Coaching Action

Stand before a mirror, take a good look at yourself, smile at your reflection and declare your worth. For example, if you believe that you are worth being in a healthy loving relationship then declare this. Say, I am beautiful, worthy of being loved, cherished, adored and celebrated in my life. I am worthy of having a great looking sexy body. Say this ten times a day for the next two weeks. Also write this statement out and share it with your best friend.

Tape a copy on your computer screen, your fridge and on the kitchen cupboards. If you are ready, make a commitment to do one thing today to solidify this new belief in your mind. You could do one of several things or a combination. Some ideas can include taking a nice hot bath or eating a healthy meal or having a fulfilling conversation or being with someone who celebrates your worth. Go ahead, celebrate your worth!

To Your Wellness


Playing It Safe

Playing it Safe

Did your parents teach you to play it safe?


I want to take you on a “Journey with Joyce” Playing it safe


I wonder how many people come to the end of their lives and look back with joy on how much they played it safe. In this week’s journey I want to invite you to think about the things you really want and then think about all the negative self-doubts that keeps you in a holding pattern and unable to reach your goals? The little voice that says: what if it doesn’t work out? My answer is this, you will never know until you have tried. Isn’t that what life is all about? We are here to try things not to have absolute guarantees. If that was the case, a mother would be told what baby she was going to have and she would be given options to choose the looks, gender, personality, and be ensured its future success. We are here to take risks. We need to take risks in life everyday and we do, the challenge is that we have been programmed to think of some risks as “safe” and others as “unsafe”. If you won a trip to a tropical destination in the middle of winter, would you take it? How risky! What if I tried to convince you that you could get in a plane crash or you could get mugged or die of a tropical disease? Would you pay me much heed? I think not! I think most people would say the risk of that happening is so slim, they would take their chances and experience the wonderful vacation.


Well what if I asked you take a risk such as quit the job you hate and go find yourself a job that fits with your passion and that will make you feel more fulfilled? I bet you would be the one to point out the risks to me and share all the reasons why this would not be a good choice and that it would be too risky. You would be correct on some level but take a closer look at the two scenarios? The first one was a risk to your life that you were willing to take and the second was a risk to your livelihood that you may resist taking. My parents taught me to play it safe. Did your parents teach you to play it safe as well? I don’t think that was a bad lesson, what I think is that the message got confused. We should play it safe by ensuring that we dance, sing, play, laugh, ask for what we want, take risks, share, cry, and love as much as we can because our time here is so short we can never replace lost time.



Often we say one thing and do another. As we enter 2012, will you take actions that reflect your true passions? Will you choose actions and make choices that reflect a greater emphasis on the value of your life and relationships than on the possession and status you hold in life? What risks will you take to play it safe in 2012?


Coaching Question:

What is most important to you, your life or the things you do with your life?

Are there areas in your life where you need to begin playing it safe?

What is the first thing you will do this month to begin playing it safe?

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

The Holidays are over


I want to take you on a “Journey with Joyce” for a Happy New Year


Well the holidays are over and it’s the time where we wish each other a happy New Year. Have you ever stopped to wonder what happy New Year wishes are about? Why should I care if someone wishes me a happy New Year? What does it matter? Does it matter if they don’t send me happy wishes? Well I did some research and found that Happy New Year wishes began between 700 and 2000 BC with the civilized Babylonians who started celebrating the New Year. They observed it as a way to signify a cleansing and renewal. Apparently the act of wishing others a Happy New Year ensured that you too are guaranteed of having a happy New Year.

Out with the old and in with the new. This got me thinking! What if we actually did that, end all the bad habits, negative thoughts anger and upset we hold towards others, forgave all those who trespassed against us and began this year with a clean slate? Can you imagine? Well a client of mine wants to have all debts forgiven or wiped clean off his credit cards. I know many people would like that. If it is true that everything began with a thought, so here is my thought. Can I encourage you to begin 2012 with a fresh new perspective?

Are there things you wanted done in 2011 that you didn’t get done? Are there things you want to get done in 2012? Well it’s a new year and you have no obstacles yet except the ones you will give birth to in your thoughts. So how about not letting any negative thoughts and ideas room to grow? What I do is tell myself this is not a thought that can serve me well. I also practice replacing that thought.


Can you challenge yourself to banish limiting beliefs and thoughts in 2012? What if you could really have all that you wanted and it really is just you standing in your way? What can you do for yourself this year?

Coaching Exercises

Write down on a piece of paper all the things you want to achieve this year

Write down next to each of these what you feeling when you imagine achieve your desire

Keep this list with you and recall that feeling for the first 6 months of 2012

Have a happy New Year!!