Module IV – Core Coaching Skills

In this module we examined some of the core skills in coaching such as: listening, attending, respecting, acknowledging, enthusing, goal setting, powerful questioning and moving clients forward.  We also had lots of fun practicing and developing these skills.  As we learned and experienced all our actions as coaches are directed towards our clients awareness, learning and taking responsibility.


1.  What new learning have you taken away and applied from this module?

2.  How will you continue to differentiate between enthusing and motivating?

3.  What core coaching skill do you think may be most challenging to develop into competencies?

4.  What coaching core skill are you having more opportunity to practice?

5.  As you build your coaching skills, what new goals have you set for yourself?

Module V – Coaching Versus Managing

In this module we examined the differences between coaching and managing, explored some of the challenges that often makes it easier to manage as opposed to coaching.  We explored the need to help organizations make the shift from managing to coaching in their quest to develop self-correcting, and self -generating employees who are positively engaged.  We also explored the various limitations to employing coaching in the organizations and practiced some innovative and creative opportunities and vehicles for coaching such as “coaching up”, integrity and planning.


1. What was most impactful for you in this module?

2. What new goals did you set for yourself in terms of coaching and managing?

3.  How might you further explore the power dynamics involved in coaching up?

4. How can a deep sense of personal integrity aid you as the manager/coach?

5. As you explore the role clarification matrix, what do you consider to be its most vital function in this coaching relationship?

Module III – Building Coaching Relationships

In module III we examined the nature of the coaching relationship as well as look at some of the benefits of this relationship.  We also discussed and practiced applying the following elements into the coaching relationship: Mutual Trust, Freedom of Speech and Mutual Respect and Understanding.


1. What aspect of building a coaching relationship was most significant for you?

2. What is one goal you have set for yourself when building coaching relationships?

3.  How instrumental is the coaching relationship to the success of the coaching process?

4.  What is one action you can take as the coach to show respect to your client?

5.  How can freedom of expression empower and authorize your clients?