Wellness What Does it Mean to You?

Wellness is the key to great health, vitality, joy, success, abundance and the results of staying focused on your goals; living in alignment with your values and knowing who you are and most importantly, who you want to become. All those who desire to live in alignment with their values and have a purpose statement that they can clearly articulate are indeed on their way toward creating a sustainable system of wellness. Wellness is a whole system approach to life. There is no wellness without a commitment to values. Values give our lives purpose and meaning and it allows us to pay attention to who we are and what we are manifesting in our lives and what we are contributing to the world.

What is your definition of Wellness? Please share your concept of wellness with us.

Your Views with us

Joyce Odidison, MA, PCC

Conflict Analyst, Strategist & Executive Coach

Three years into her mediation practice, a client got so distraught while in a mediation session, he had a heart attack in Joyce’s office. He survived. However, this was a turning point in Joyce’s career that allowed her to see the importance of wellness in our lives and the importance of our abilities to live well, work well and play well. It led her to creating the Pre-Mediation Model, a coaching process to help clients prepare for success prior to mediation. Later, Joyce created the Interpersonal Wellness System model and the Interpersonal Wellness Quotient (IWQ) Personal Assessment Instrument to help clients identify and improve their capacity for wellness in all areas of their lives. Today, Joyce Odidison is one of the world’s leading Interpersonal Wellness experts and the CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc.—a performance enhancement, consulting, coaching and training firm, where Joyce has worked with organization such as federal, provincial and municipal governments, colleges, universities and crown corporations, supporting their employees to manage conflict, identify their key life stressors to prevent burnout, reduce stress and turnover, improve interpersonal skills and build their capacity for wellness and excellence. Joyce is well known throughout Canada for the quality and integrity of her work and her innovative systems and models, used to help employees and organizations attain fast sustainable results. If you are having interpersonal wellness challenges, you are guaranteed fast sustainable results when you put Joyce’s track record to work for you and your employees.


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