International Women’s Day Significance for Men

Tomorrow Friday March 8th is International Women’s Day – so how does a man celebrate this significant day? This day is set aside by the UN to encourage fairness, justice, and equitable treatment of women to observe of their human rights. If you are a man who wants to make this personal for the woman in your life here are some tips:

Men try this at home:

  • Ensure that your lady feels treated like your equal and have equivalent time with the television remote
  • Change the dialogue from “helping” out at home to sharing responsibilities
  • Ask for her input on an important decision in your life and listen respectfully
  • Try completing a task in your home that is traditionally done by the lady (except for childbirth, you’re not that strong)

Women note this:

This is not a day for flowers and roses exclusively; this is a day to focus on core issues that impact our lives as women. Since we live longer than males statistically, we need to think differently about our wellness, how they age, how they care for themselves and think ahead and create great relationships to see them through their life span. I encourage every woman to think of March as your wellness month and do one thing to improve your wellness this month. I am facilitating a women’s wellness mastermind session tonight – Join me

To Your Wellness


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist, Interpersonal Wellness Expert and Executive Coach who works with entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, executives and their organizations to address challenges and conflicts, to maximize time, resources, energy and results, so they maintain life balance and wellness. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. You can learn about the IWS Network of Coaches and Facilitators by clicking the link below.

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