Don’t let Your Problems Affect Your Customers’

Are you letting your problems affect your customers? Your customers are paying you to provide a service. Though it is not expressed, your fees include your years of experience and hopefully for your professionalism. Professionalism here means that you are able to manage your life and business well, so you can serve your clients well.

There is nothing more frustrating than waiting on a service provider to get it right so they can serve you. If you let things get in the way of good customer service then you are missing out on the two RR’s of a successful business. The first “R” stands for Retention that is to keep your customers buying from you or doing repeat business with you. This is the cheapest way to do business because you don’t have to pay to market or advertise to those customers. The second “R” stands for Referral, your customers will only say good things about you if they had a great experience. It is your job to remove obstacles in the way of serving your clients well.

As entrepreneurs the buck stops with you. You cannot afford to pass the buck. If you are not equipped to provide good customer service. then you should get the help you need to put your life in order. Don’t let your customers suffer while you figure things out. They will not return to do business with you and they will not recommend you to others.

What’s in your way of providing great customer service? If you need help to get things going, work with a Business Coach to get the support you need. Check out our business coaching service here:

To Your Wellness




Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs, consisting of Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP) and the WIS Wellness assessment Instrument. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. Go here to complete a free workplace wellness audit for your workplace today.


Do you dream big enough, can you take your big dreams to the next level on your own?

Do you have a big, bold dream that keeps you awake at night? I mean a really big, bold dream that would have a radical impact on your life experience or on the world? Dreams are things we want, desire to experience, become or have. Everyone should have dreams in their lives. Dreams make us stronger and more resilient. They refresh and energize us. They help to keep us sane but some dreams can change the world. When was the last time you dreamt of doing something amazing? Do you have dreams of changing your life and the lives of those you love or serve? Do you have dreams to help make this world a better place to live? Do you have a secret dream to be a multi-millionaire? Can you achieve that dream without help from others? Sometimes our dreams are so big, we are scared to look at them or face them on our own. We feel queasy and a little scared thinking of them. This is where working with a coach becomes instrumental, to help you extract your dreams from the creases of your mind and examine them for flaws and possibilities, without shame, embarrassment or ridicule. Working with a coach will allow you to transform your dreams into goals with action steps and time lines to turn your dreams into reality.

If you have a dream you’ve buried in the recesses of your mind, I want to encourage you to contact a coach today and begin examining that dream for flaws and possibilities. Don’t let another month, season or day pass without finding out if you have been sitting on a life changing idea or possibility. You deserve to know, and the world deserves your gift. If you need someone to help you assess your dream, contact a WIS coach, you will be treated with the dignity and respect you deserve. Everyone needs help to make it to the next level of success, get yourself the support you need to change your life and manifest your dreams.

To Your Wellness

Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs, consisting of Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP) and the WIS Wellness assessment Instrument. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. Go here to complete a free coaching assessment today.

Workplace Wellness Coaching Vs Therapy

Are you one of those employers who are wondering whether workplace wellness coaching is an option for your employees and what it offers they can’t get in therapy or counselling with your EAP program? Let me begin by saying, while counselling and therapy are great resources for employees who need to become functional, or who need therapy to get well (they may be facing issues of compulsiveness, addictions, lack cognitive skill thinking skills, are deeply traumatized, narcissistic or unaware of the harm they are causing) coaching works with already functional employees by giving them the support and accountability partnership to take the steps necessary to address an area for growth and development in their career or life. Coaching provides your employees with focus, clarity in setting their goals, action steps and the motivation to take move towards their goals. Coaching is also one of the fastest ways to develop new social and interpersonal skills. Some studies claim working with a Coach allows clients to reach set goals three to six times faster than on their own.

The Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP) provides workplace wellness coaching to support employees through challenges that they face on a day-to-day basis, such as developing time management skills, developing their critical thinking skills, work-life alignment, exploring and developing decision making skills, developing managerial and supervisory skills. I have also used coaching to help many employees develop conflict management skills, develop interpersonal skills to get along better with their co-workers and bosses and to help leaders develop people skills. While employees may from time to time need to work with a therapist or counsellor, coaching is something they may use more often or for short burst of motivation, new perspective, new ideas, brain storming and working on communication, interpersonal skills and coping strategies. This allows them to be constantly growing be more innovative, positive, engaged, contented and happy. As a result, they develop the resilience to deal with the issues they face now so it does not accumulate and overwhelm them later, reducing the likelihood of them going on stress leave.


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs, consisting of Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP) and the WIS Wellness assessment Instrument. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. Contact Joyce to arrange a wellness audit for yourself or your workplace today.

Preserving Mental Health

Canadian employers need to be more intentional about preserving mental health in the workplace over the next decade and beyond, with new programs and processes to support this change into the future. With one in 5 Canadians between the ages of 19 and 40 facing a mental health disease or illness, the Canadian workforce will soon feel the pinch of spending more than 6 billion dollars annually to make employees healthy so they can return to work.

There is a better way to approach this social phenomenon, one in which employers spend less time and energy on healing and invest some resources into supporting employees to stay well, so they can work, live and play well. We all know that it is more costly to fix something than it is to maintain it. Think of your car, if you do the regularly scheduled oil changes and services, your car will run smoother and you will have few issues with the engine, transmission and overall function of your car. Do you have friends or acquaintances who refuse to honor the regularly scheduled maintenance, and they end up facing expensive transmission and engine problems with their vehicle? This is what most Canadian employers do with their employees. They call after the employee has gone off on stress leave or worst quit before they make changes or even think about what they could have done to support them better.

Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP) is designed to support employees to live, work and play well. WWAP provides workplace wellness coaching support that helps employees think differently about wellness and take new actions to preserve wellness, so they build resilience and stamina. This allows them to be long-term profitable employees who serve your organization well.

If you are looking to preserve mental health in your organization this year, give us a call and we can help you manage your workplace wellness program.

To Your Wellness


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs, consisting of Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP) and the WIS Wellness assessment Instrument. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. Contact Joyce to arrange a wellness audit for yourself or your workplace today.


Building Resilience to Preserve Mental Health

So what is resilience and why is it important for organizations to build resilience in their employees? Building resilience means to develop stamina and strength to face life and work challenges well. It is to equip employees with the fortitude to withstand the stresses of work and life, so they can work longer, harder and faster with few incidents of break down, burnout and illnesses. Having resilience means one has the spiritual and emotional strength to endure a financial, physical or emotional strain at work or in their personal life without breaking down under the pressures or stresses. With resilience, your employees will be able to bounce back and maintain their mental health even when things are otherwise very challenging.

There are many ways to build a resilient workforce but all begin with a clear intention and focus. Organizations using workplace wellness programs like WWAP have the structure, focus, intention and planned action to engage and equip their employees to build resilience and self-mastery. One way to build resilience in employees is to provide a safe place for them to reflect on their current state and assess where they need help. This ensures that the time and effort of the employee and organization is specific and targeted. By identifying how well employees are doing in all areas of life and work, they are better able to acknowledge and accept their need for help. WWAP provides one of the most comprehensive wellness assessments on the market that allow employees the time and space to self-assess as well as provide them with a wellness improvement plan to map out where they want to begin their improvement work. By improving the areas of their lives where they are not doing well, employees can work with a workplace wellness coach to build resilience to with stand life and work challenges without falling apart.


Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs, consisting of Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP) and the WIS Wellness assessment Instrument. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. Contact Joyce to arrange a wellness audit for yourself or your workplace today.





Getting the Right Business Support Structure

Are you in your own business and looking for a way to build community and reduce the isolation of entrepreneurship? Being part of a franchise is a proven way to maintain a successful business structure with the independence of entrepreneurship. The Wellness Improvement System (WIS) franchise attracts coaches and facilitators who want to build their business on a solid brand promise. They specialize in their own niches with the support structure to maintain consistent marketing system, increase their clientele and build their businesses in a way that reflects their values. They also enjoy the benefit and security of sound business coaching, mentoring, mastermind sessions and partnerships to grow a successful business as well as a dedicated CRM to manage their client schedules and billing with client retention strategies to build referrals and encourage clients to use coaching various areas of their lives.

If you a looking for the efficiency of a large organization and the autonomy of your own business, then the WIS business opportunity may be a good fit for you. WIS is now accepting application from individuals who are serious about developing and running a successful business but also have strong customer service, loyalty and integrity. The WIS coach training and certification program is a world class program, approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF). Our graduates specialize as business coaches, life coaches, leadership coaches, workplace wellness coaches and wellness improvement coaches. If you are looking for a new business idea of a coach training program with a business building opportunity. Give me a call.

To Your Wellness



Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs including the Wellness Assessment and the Workplace Wellness Assistance program. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. Contact Joyce to arrange a wellness assessment for yourself or your workplace today.

April is Stress Awareness Month

Do you have acute stresses in your life? I mean the day to day stresses that are draining your energy and making you crazy? This can be referred to as “Acute Stress” this kind of stress comes from life demands and pressures, current, recent and anticipated life pressures. The sewer backup, the cat ran away, your child won’t graduate grade 12 because he/she failed math. If you are facing these acute stress, you are not alone. Take some time to put them down on paper, this exercise of getting them out of your head is the first step to assessing how challenging they really are and what you can do to respond to them appropriately. Remember acute stress if not addressed can leave you hyper and may cause you feel sick, overly tired, overwhelmed, distracted and forgetful. Some signs of acute stress can also manifest as digestive or stomach problems. Coaching is a very good remedy for acute stress. Your coach can help you make sense of these pressures and come up with a plan of action to address them before they become chronic stress that can damage your health.

What are you stressing about today?

I’d love to help you find a few answers

To Your Wellness



Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs including the Wellness Assessment and the Workplace Wellness Assistance program. She is also Director of the only ICF approved training program for Coaches and Wellness Facilitators in Manitoba. Contact Joyce to arrange a wellness assessment for yourself or your workplace today.


Coaching Career Opportunities

Ever wondered what you could do with a coaching certification? This is the time to find out. This summer, we will be providing our summer intensive coach certificate training along with the new business development course for coaches who want to establish careers in the wellness industry, as either life wellness or workplace wellness coaches.

People everywhere are looking to work with a coach to increase their success. A client recently told me she couldn’t imagine where her life would be today without the support of her coach.

Potential Clients of Coaching

Think of all the folks you know who plan on getting things done but haven’t been able to develop a structure to accomplish their goal. Those who promise to change a bad habit or learn a new skill but keep failing? That person who begins many projects but never gets any of them done. Yes, think of the person who need to set some healthy life style habits but don’t have the will power to attain their goal on their own. Do you happen to know someone who is wasting their life away without clear goal, focus or thought? Think of the person who hates their job or just feels stuck in their life with no clear way on moving forward.

Think of all those situations and more, imagine yourself being the coach for that person or person(s). Take advantage of the summer coaching institute to complete your course work in 60 days and get ready for your career in coaching sooner.

To Your Wellness


More Employers Using Coaching

Employers everywhere are beginning to see the benefits of having a workplace wellness coach to align with employees to work well. Coaching can be used to reduce workplace conflicts, reduce time wasters, keep employees engaged and focused, provide executive and management coaching or to create synergy in teams. Whatever your reason for employing a coach in your workplace, study show that you will reap a return on your investment that surpasses your initial investment in coaching fees.

Organizations can invest in training a coach in-house or employing an external coach to work with their organization. Either way, a coach is a great investment for an organization that is a leader in its field.

Think about it, all the great athletes and Olympians have coaches to keep them going and support them, to strategize on alternate courses when they come up against roadblocks to their goals. Wouldn’t it be great to have Olympian minded employees focused on your organizational goals?

If you want to turn your employees into Olympian minded goal seekers on your team, we would be happy to assign a coach to work with your organization.

Give us a call today or look at our workplace wellness program here:

To Your Wellness


How do you think?

Ever paid attention to the way you think? Thinking is a skill that many of us do not take the time to develop well. There are many styles of thinking and all are important. I want to bring your attention to some ways of thinking in this blog and hope that you will be able to identify which of these styles of thinking best represents you.

Big picture
allows us to think about our goals and devise actions that will lead us to this goal. It may not include the small steps nor analyze the process of reaching the goal but it will focus on the key aspects to reaching the goals. Critical thinking allows us to think weigh the evidence presented and identify what’s missing and what new information we need to gather or consider toward a deeper learning or knowing. Focused thinking is more detailed or process oriented and will identify a specific target for our thoughts and meditation. It can be summed up as keeping our mind anchored on the specific details. Analytical thinking allows us to analyze the information present to better understand what it means.

All thinking styles require us to start with an intention. This is much the same as working with a Coach. In coaching, the coach becomes a thinking partner who aligns with you to think outside the box. Your coach becomes a sounding board who helps you better understand your thoughts and bring clarity to your mind. Thinking is often accelerated when shared, this is why working with a coach allows you to reach your goals three to six times faster than on your own.

I love to think! I am passionate about the thought process and I’m always eager to explore my thoughts and channel them into action. Being a Coach myself I usually work with other Coaches to help me develop my own thoughts and design actions that will allow them to materialize.

What about you, what thoughts do you need to clarify? Is it time to align with a thinking partner? Don’t let your powerful thoughts go to waste find a roadmap to channel them for your excellence.

To your wellness,
