Interpersonal Wellness Coach (IWC) Training

What makes the Interpersonal Wellness Coach (IWC) training program uniquely different and competitive?  There are many Coaching 101 basic training programs on the market today.  However, the IWC training program we offer is uniquely designed to provide more, by equipping our coaches with skills that are essential for coaching individuals in the development of life, social and interpersonal skills. This very focused approach to coach training is essential for developing a wide range of workplace necessary social and life skills such as: decision making, problem solving, responsible communication, collaboration, self-awareness, stress and anger management, respect, diversity, accountability and conflict resolution into competencies. 

 IWC is guaranteed to improve your interpersonal wellness, making this coaching approach ideal for working with clients who may present as challenging or difficult to engage.  It is geared to respond to the growing need of organizations and institutions that lack adequate processes to meet the life skills requirement of that small percentage of employees who require a bit more than what the workplace currently is equipped to provide.

 Our IWC is focused on helping clients to become more self aware, self-reflective, self-correcting, self-generating and self-directing.  To do this, the coach is engaged in a client equipping relationship that allows him to reach more of his own potential as he focuses on the reflection of his true potential being mirrored by the coach. 

The nature of our individualistic society equates that we will have employees in every workplace that are uniquely different in their skills development or lack thereof.  Often a lack of proper options may cause these individuals to become isolated and disengaged, often leading them to be let go or to quit the job of their own volition.

What we have experienced with the IWC model is that these individuals can often be reached and re-engaged. 


Would you like to know how this process works?

 Do you have disengaged and Return To Work (RTW) employees that may benefit from IWC?

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