We Develop Wellness Experts

We define a wellness expert as someone who uses a sound knowledge of wellness theory and practice to facilitate wellness conversations, conduct wellness assessments, coach wellness improvement strategies and design wellness action plans. Wellness experts provide support for clients to improve their overall wellness in multiple life dimensions, independently or while they work with other health professionals.

Do you have what it takes to become a wellness expert?

Our wellness experts are supporting clients to live well in all areas of their physical dimension, as well as emotional, social, intellectual, occupational, spiritual, interpersonal and financial. Working with a wellness coach, who graduates from our program gives you the confidence that you are in good hands and allows you to become familiar with a wider and much broader perspective in your life. Take some time to assess how well you are doing in your life today.



Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP) and the WIS Wellness assessment Instrument. Joyce leads a team of WIS coaches who work with leaders and employees in organizations to improve their well-being and the wellness of their workplaces. To get in touch with Joyce or learn about her wellness improvement coaching work go here: www.interpersonalwellness.com

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