Stop the Pain at Work Campaign

Would you know if you employee was being bullied, harassed or abused at work?

Millions of employees go to work daily in pain, and no one cares. Sandy the middle manager is so hurt by the way she is being treated. She is being abused by her Director and has been contemplating suicide. Carol the young supervisor, has been mistreated by her peers so she has decides to leave the company. Harry the new manager, is being harassed by co-workers and has tendered his resignation. Monk the ED, is being tormented by a renegade board member, which in turn, made him consider other opportunities. All of these employees have suffered undue pain at work and have shared their stories with their friends and families and are being encouraged to leave the organization to seek a position with a company where they will be respected and treated with dignity.

In our ‘Stop the pain at work’ campaign, we are partnering with organizations to expose painful actions and provide fast responses to undesirable behavior in the workplace. We are working with organizations to improve the workplace culture, improve employee interactions, and stop workplace abuse.

Are you someone who is experiencing workplace pain? Who do you know that is experiencing workplace pain? Please send them this link, and we will partner with them to stop the pain, so they can work well, live well, and play well!



Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Strategist and Workplace Wellness Coach and creator of the Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP) and the WIS Wellness assessment Instrument. Joyce leads a team of WIS coaches who work with leaders and employees in organizations to improve their well-being and the wellness of their workplaces. To get in touch with Joyce or learn about her wellness improvement coaching work go here:


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