Many people I met were telling me they hated their jobs

Were these people chronic complainers? Some were but many were individuals who truly had a lot to give and wanted more from their jobs. More fulfillment and more purpose in their lives. I felt that through a coach training certification program, I could offer them a new beginning. I could help them realize their dreams of a new career or a new start in life. Many have since gained the tools to start their own businesses.

So what kind of training should I offer? I didn’t want to offer just another coach one-o-one training program. I wanted to provide people with the opportunity to expand their learning and gain sound personal and professional development. This way, they could become the very best coaches with advanced skills that allowed them to be flexible in their practice thus able to work with a wider range of clients. I am happy to say that most of the learners who entered the WIS coach institute have had their dreams fulfilled. Some have even had transformation of heart and learnt to love their jobs. I now have a real, full proof option for those I meet who hate their jobs.

Are you looking to do something great in 2015? You too can learn how to coach others who hate their jobs or a looking for a career change or just need a new beginning. Many retirees are becoming coaches so keep that in mind if you are just finishing your career.

To Your Wellness


Joyce Odidison is Canada’s leading Wellness Improvement Expert and Coach. Joyce is creator of the Wellness Improvement System (WIS) programs, which includes the Workplace Wellness Assistance Program (WWAP), the WIS Wellness assessment Instrument and the WIS Coach training Institute. Joyce support people and organizations to improve their well-being and the wellness of their workplaces. To get in touch with Joyce or learn about her wellness improvement coaching work go here:


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